Thursday, March 06, 2008

6 Songs Up...

I put 5 more songs up on top of "Empty Me" so you can get a sneak peek at some of the new recordings and new songs!


Carianne said...

AWESOME!!! I can't wait to check it out when I get home! =D

EmilyBoo said...

Yay! What an excellent day so far! First, I heard Empty Me on my radio for the first time, and now new songs!

Anonymous said...

Oh man. The moment I signed on, I just got overly excited over this. I randomly visited your page and BAM! All those songs.

You did such a great job on these arrangements!

"If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work." 2 Timothy 2:21

Such inspiring lyrics to "Vessel". It should be our ambition to be pure and holy( as to be separate) unto the Lord.


EmilyBoo said...

I just listened to all of the songs. I love "Vessel." Just beautiful.

HstryQT said...

My pregnancy brain is kicking in - I can't for the life of me remember if we've had the pleasure of hearing Vessel before during the recording phases of things.

It is BEAUTIFUL and I adore it. Im now completely at peace with Rise (my favorite favorite from HPF) not being on the album - Vessel makes up for my previous slight disappointment :).

HstryQT said...

Its so fun listening to all of the final cuts of these songs. I had gotten so mixed up in the past months with which version of which song was going to be on the album - so its a treat to hear them now!

Tom in ATL said...

Hey Dude -

Love the new tunes. Its been so fascinating to hear the progressions from demos to final versions - thanks for letting your fans be a part of it. Your vocals sound amazing - "Arise Running Back" turned out better than I could have ever imagined - was always a favorite but man does it sound good on my tiny computer speakers. Really like how you stripped down "In a Moment" - and man did you hit some notes on that one. Not going too far out on limb here - but this release should be very successful commerically - big crossover potential too.

Well done -

Peace -

Tom in ATL

rosalee said...

The arrangements are gorgeous!

SLIGHtly Unhinged said...

I'm pretty impressed with these songs. Arise, In a Moment, and Potential are knock-outs for me. I see any of these being hits. I love the vocal harmonies in Vessel. I like Let You Know the least, relatively speaking, which is odd because it was my favorite from your HPF album. It's just my opinion, of course, but I think there's just too much of a wall of sound overpowering the vocals. I think a straight guitar version (without the strings) would have really cool. That aside, I'm really looking forward to the CD release.

Thanks for posting the songs!
-Lisa in Pittsburgh-

Anonymous said...

I noticed a few mintues ago on myspace and I was like :D but Amelia's sleeping and my sister is busy down here so I'll go upstairs and play them before I leave for work.

Lori, I wrote to you on the last blog entry. My sister had preggo brain majorly towards the end.

Unknown said...

I heard your complete Vessel demo CD around five years ago. (Or maybe even longer, I don't remember for sure.) I was wondering if you'd ever bring some of those songs back.

When my brother gave it to me he predicted you would definitely "make it" some day. Seems he was right!

Carrie said...

I really love hearing these after listening to how far the songs had come up until the final cuts. This was such a nice surprise. I can't wait for this CD! It better be on itunes right away because that's the version I'm getting for the time being. Everything has come SO FAR after I last remember hearing it all.

I've never been a big fan of "In a Moment"... I mean, I like it, obviously, but I'm not like everyone else who seems to like it the best, but I really like the arrangement on it so much better. It's great. Especially the keys right near the end. It's nice.

"Vessel" is really pretty, arrangement and all. I've always liked "Arise" but now it's really great and considering the album title lyrics are in it, it HAS to be. That's one reason I always liked "Cry Tonight" so much on the HPF album. Right now I think that's my favorite, but it's hard to pick just one.

I have to disagree with Lisa about "Let You Know" being too overpowering. The speakers on my laptop aren't the best ever for listening to music, but I think it sounds pretty good. I like that it has even more of a rock sound.

So either you picked the best songs to upload or you have a ton more that are even better or equally great. I'm guessing that they're all great, but you know, I guess I'm a little biased.

Oops I rambled.

Unknown said...

Fabulous Chris! I just treated myself to a miniconcert to take a break from the Carly Smithson-Sanjaya hoopla on rickey, lol.
These sound polished, and each is unique. Vessel is exceptionally beautiful, and my other faves are Potential, Empty Me, and Arise. All give insight into the importance of your faith. Great work!

Carrie said...

WARNING: I'm going to ramble again but does anyone have any predictions for who is leaving tonight on Idol?

Here are mine: Syesha and Kady for the girls, Danny, David H. for the guys.

Basically, Luke is Haley all over again. No offense to Haley of course, but no one expected her to make Top 12. No one expects Luke to make Top 12. I predicted that way near the beginning, so he'll end up making it probably while standing next to David H. or something equally shocking, Simon will be pissed and all of America will go WHAT? Also, I predicted Danny will be out since Tuesday. His fanbase isn't that strong compared to Archuleta's, and VFTW really isn't doing much voting for him, they just think they are. Ramiele will cry her eyes out when Danny leaves and he might cry himself, which will be sad. Syesha will be cut, people will be mad because she had the pimp spot, but to me it was obvious she would never make Top 12. Part of David H's potential leaving will be due to the whole stripper scandal, which is sad because I thought he was pretty good. I think Luke will JUST pull ahead of being out of the bottom two, which sucks for those who get booted. Chikiezie could be out, but I actually doubt that he will be. The only prediction of mine I'm wary about is Kady, because she has one determined fanbase, but was bottom 3 last week and should have gone. Her fanbase can only carry her so far, especially after she's been doing pretty poorly.

Again, just predictions. It's just fun to watch and predict it on a less-biased point of view.

Anyone agree? Disagree?

Also, I saw that Carly dissed Sanjaya. I guess they took that off of her profile on the site now. Hmm. Probably because they know it could cost her votes and it's obvious they want her around.

rosalee said...

Luke is a "niche" singer, just like Amanda is a "niche" singer for her genre. I happen to like Luke, not because of how he looks, but because he could fit right in with Rockapella. However, he is weak for this competition and I think he will go tonight. I feel that Danny should go, but he has VFTW votes behind him, so he will probably stay. David Hernandez may have a problem with that stripper past, so I think it will either be him or Chikezie to go.

I think that Kady will probably go, but it's hard to tell who the second one will be. Personally, I'd like to see Amanda out of there, but AI wants her around for some reason. She's not very versatile. Kristi Lee may be the other one out. She deserves to go, but not knowing the fanbase of any of these people it's hard to tell.
As has happened in the past, who should go and who does go are often not the same.

Anonymous said...

Wow ...Love the new take on the songs. Vessel is simply beautiful.

Carrie, I am with you on the girls.
On the boys me thinks Luke Menard and unfortunately David Hernandez. I really liked him, too. Danny although flamboyant, which annoys me to no end is entertaining in an uncomfortable way lols I think he may be gone maybe next week unless he performs well. I am surprised that Michael Johns hasn't done better.

Cathy Storms said...

Chris~The songs are beautiful. Vessel made me cry. It is so beautiful. Your voice sounds so pure. You really made me cry.....I can't wait for the CD.
In a Moment is awesome..oh they are all awesome. I am so excited about your new CD. I always listen to songs and wonder if they can pull them off live...I can hear these songs being played at your concert. Everything about them is so real and pure...
I hope your planning to come to California on tour. I will be there no matter how far I have to drive.

risalea said...

It's been a crazy day and I just got a chance to sit down and listen.

VESSEL--Utterly, completely, absolutely, beautiful.

I love them all, but this

Chris, I can't say enough about these songs. Dang, you're good! : )

A personal prayer request now--please pray for my daughter-in-law, Shawna's family. Her cousin, a senior in high school, died in a car accident this week. They just got her senior pictures in today. So heartbreaking....

Please continue to keep Amanda and her mom, Tammy, in your prayers. She's really had a rough time of it lately, still dealing with symptoms of the graft vs. host disease and her grandfather has been ill, causing her mom to have to go back and forth between them.

Thanks, friends. Risa

Anonymous said...

Wow, the songs sound amazing! I can't freakin wait for the album. I agree with everying Carrie said in her 'rambling' posts :P

Onto AI... I don't think anyone was expecting Asia'h to leave but I really wasn't all that surprised although I liked her. I wish Kristy would've left but I knew there was no way we'd lose both Kady and Kristy. I didn't think Danny would leave yet but IMO he didn't take himself seriously enough as a singer in any of his performances. I knew Luke had no shot and going 1st didn't help him. Overall the top 12 is pretty good but I miss season 6 :( Go David A! I hope he picks a mid to up tempo song this coming week.

Carrie said...

Yeah I got a 2 out of 4 for my predictions. Haha. It was all in fun, but if Syesha wasn't going, I knew it was going to be Asia'h. I knew Danny was going to go because he focused more on his personality than his singing which got a little annoying. And he had a good voice, just failed to show that.

It was nice to see Blake, though.

Risa, will do!

Nique's Nana said...

Chris, I just listened to all the songs. I'm in awe - your cd is going to be the best yet. In A Moment has always been my most favorite, and I like the new version too. Vessel is such a lovely song. That first opening line " safe inside your hand you hold me" really hits home for me. There have been so many times in my life when I was going through trying times and I would close my eyes and imagine myself being held safely in his hands. A warmth and calm alwawys came over me and I new everything would turn out fine.

We are so blessed to have you and your wonderful music.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it seemed like Danny picked songs he liked rather than songs that would be right for AI. It's fine to have fun and show personality but when you can actually sing, you need to prove that on the big stage too. It wasn't enough that he had great vocals in hollywood. It was like he didn't take it seriously enough.

risalea said...

I think Danny blew off Simon one too many times with his little hand motions. A lot of people like Simon and he probably made them mad. First time it was funny. Second and third times, it got old. I think he was just a little too full of himself, among other things.

While Amanda was good, she's a one genre girl and she was so horrible the week before, I can't get past that. She should have gone IMHO. It was time for Luke to go, though, I could certainly turn down my sound and just look at him. LOL Kady? She should have been gone instead of Alaina last week.

Oh, and a silly note. I won first place at Bunco last night and came home with the cutest polka dot suitcase, just perfect for breaking in going to Nashville in 4 months! : )


risalea said...

OK, need to be doing something more constructive, but we're having a "snow" day. (despite that fact we have no snow in central AR! LOL)

This is an unbelievable group of young ladies singing the National Anthem. The next AI stars!

wtgm3 said...

Chris, great songs! I especially love "Vessel." It reminds me of the music of John Michael Talbot. His music sounded a lot like that, peaceful and soothing. I'll definitely buy your album.

SLIGHtly Unhinged said...

Potential is completely addicting. Wants it on radio NOW! The base line and bridge are especially awesome. Any chance we could get this CD out sooner than May 6?

Anonymous said...

Slightly Unhinged-Wow, that's an OLD picture of Chris lol

I loved that Ryan called the dude with curly hair on guitar your name when Blake performed last night. Atleast it reminded people about you. My brother in law actually said which one was he? & my sister said he's the one Tawny loves and she cried when he left. I was like shut up! lol I don't usually cry over people leaving AI but I was pissed/upset/annoyed.. :P

risalea said...

A friend on an email list I belong to who lives in Tomball, TX, near Houston, just let me know she's been hearing "Empty Me" on KSBJ in Houston which is one of the stops Chris has made. I told her to call in and let them know she wants to keep hearing it.


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that Rudy had a quick mention of you (Blake & Richardson) on Idol Wrap. He said something like "I still talk to Blake a lot, we've been close for a long time, same with both of the Chris'" I know it's not a big deal but it was still nice to hear him say that.

Anonymous said...

I TOTALLY love Vessel. It's absolutely beautiful. And I can see the similarity to John Michael Talbot, cfphilfan. Haven't thought of him in quite awhile.

AI: These contestants still are not all that interesting. I keep thinking they will grow on me as time goes by. The only one I am jazzed about is Jason Castro. On his interview that is on the AI website he was asked what he some day hoped to be and this 20 yr old answered: A great husband, wonderful father and a servant of all. That has been remove now. Grrr.
Vote for Jason! And didn't ya just love Hallelujah??? One of the best songs ever written.

Unknown said...

yes, I'm a big Jason Castro fan too, Slim. I like Danny's spirit and his voice, but it's ok that he has moved on. Amanda probably is a one-genre girl (maybe country too?), but she's very good at what she does. She sounded great last week but looked unhappy (sort of Lakisha unhappy), so I hope she hangs in there.
Blake sounded dreadful, but the song wasn't bad, and he had his whole style thing going. I'm sure his fans were happy to see him again.

Carrie said...

I didn't think Blake sounded that bad, actually. He had performances before (with Break Anotha) that were a LOT worse. I guess at one point he had pretty bad bronchitis and it messed with his vocal chords. I don't want to make excuses for him because obviously if Chris can sing -- and pretty great, right after having a root canal, then Blake should be able to sing, too. Especially since he made second place. I like Blake, though, and I wish his CD had sold better.

xangelglitterx said...

PEACE & LOVE...............
ONE LOVE.......................

risalea said...

Had a fun girls' night out tonight...went with Carol to see Michael Buble. I wasn't sure if I'd like it, but he really puts on a good show. There was a great group that opened for him called Naturally 7. They are acapella, but do much more with their vocals as they sound just like instruments. Like super advanced beatboxing....very entertaining. OK, off to bed...the time changes tonight. Spring forward, people!

Nita said...

Chris, I listened to the songs, and I love them all. Can't wait to get the CD. It is going to be a big hit. Your vocals are really great.

I am very excited because 3 of my favorite Idol contestants have CD's coming out soon. Chris, Clay Aiken, and Kurt Nilsen (Norway's World Idol).

They are all 3 great and powerful singers. I will be in music Nirvana......

rosalee said...

Some random events:

My dad went to a Paul Potts concert the other night at a venue near me. Paul Potts is the operatic tenor from "Britain's Got Talent" who became famous overnight last year. He is now known around the world because of that show. My dad said that the venue was packed (2800 seats) and that people came from far and wide to see him (the people sittng next to him were British). My dad enjoyed the show, but he's been spoiled from seeing other tenors at the Metropolitan Opera in NYC.

Today, Sanjaya is coming to a bookstore not too far from me to sign the "Chicken Soup For the American Idol Soul" book. I wish I could go, but I have to go to a cousin’s Bar Mitzvah later on.

Anonymous said...

I would someday LOVE to see Michael Buble. Lucky girl!
Right now I am listening to Eva Cassidy's Live at Blues Alley. GREAT album if you like standards stuff.

And a capella groups just fascinate me. We had a group called Rescue come to church a few times. I believe Luke Menard was a member of one called Chapter 6. They've got some good stuff on YouTube.

You shifted from 0 to 60 WAY too fast for me. Paul Potts to Sanjaya??? I need a Tylenol.

Unknown said...

Oh Rosalee, skip the mitzvah and go give Sanjaya a hug for me, pleeease? hahaha.
Slim, that's one of Eva's best recordings. I love her music and wish that I'd seen her perform here before she passed away (one of DC's very best artists)

rosalee said...

I was trying to figure out all week why Sanjaya would come here to do that book signing. Well, now I know why. Sanjaya is on Long Island because he performed at a Bat Mitzvah last night, just a few minutes from me!,0,5762696.story

Clarissa -
That's why I liked Luke. I like a cappella groups also. You may want to look at the Rockapella videos that are up on Youtube. They are a very good group. I've been following them for about 20 years.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the great story, Rosalee! Rachel's a lucky young lady and has her heart in the right place in making this a charitable event.

risalea said...

Michael Buble was really good and Rosalee, Naturally 7 is from NYC. They have a lot of stuff up on youtube.

HOWEVER, I'd give 10 Michael Buble concerts to see 1 Chris Sligh concert. Chris, are you going to have a list of places up that you are going on your mini-tour anytime soon?

And DJ, don't count on being a shoe-in for the bad timing award at the picnic. Carmen is now a close second. LOL

Have a good rest of the day, friends! Got to go get some work done before evening worship. Risa

Jason said...

I love vessel...always liked that one...i wonder if you will every record anyother songs off of "berg":)

gdahimself said...

To All,
From GDA,

Apparently, I’ve missed things by skimming through the recent postings.

Why is Carmen now in the running for the Bad Timing Award?

Who is Rachel?
If she is an AI person, I’ve not really been tracking show, between modest interest and my work schedule.
My entrée into all this is see Chris on Access Hollywood, probably the night he got voted off, and thinking he’s one the better singers and made a note to check him out. It’s tied to recollection of Sanjaya with Mohawk followed by Simon’s comment (I take it there was no mirror in your dressing room tonight).

On the a cappella front,
Rosalee, The Swingle Singers still exist but the personnel has completely changed over the last forty years.

I’m looking for a satisfied customer, who is happy with their internet cable/fiber optic internet connection that they would recommend it. The dail up connection is too slow and too limiting to be further tolerated.

risalea said...

GDA--Chris was in Jacksonville to tape a radio show (which is very near where Carmen lives) and Carmen was in TX about to be on her way to Salt Lake City to see her son. Hence, the ill timing...

Rachel is the young lady who had the Bat Mitzvah that Rosalee put up a link about (Sanjaya sang at it)

And bless your heart! Good grief, you do need a different internet connection. I use DSL through AT&T and have been satisfied. Cable may be faster, but it's more than I want to pay.

rosalee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rosalee said...


Not only did I miss Sanjaya at that book signing today, but I missed out on a chance to meet Rickey of Check out his site for his story on today's book signing event. I guess that can't count for the "bad timing" award because it's not about Chris...(lol)

My affair didn't have Sanjaya, but we had a non-stop DJ. The affair had a rock 'n' roll theme with Hard Rock Cafe/guitar centerpieces.
I got to talk with one of my cousins (who looks like Chris Daughtry) and is in a couple of punk rock bands. They seem to have a following and do a lot of work over in Europe.

You've fallen behind here - you've got to catch up! (lol) And vote on - I saw you over there the other day...
The Swingle Singers are friends on my Myspace site. Why don't you join in and set up a Myspace site?
I use cable through Cablevision. I don't know what the choice is for you in NJ.

Anonymous said...

Hey everybody!
Chris will be on the 700 Club on Wednesday! That should be GREAT!!Just saw it at MJ's but it's probably already at the fansite. I don't check there as often as I should.

rosalee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rosalee said...

Clarissa -

I'm posting his events the day before they happen. Otherwise, his schedule can get buried and pushed off of the front page. The person who posts the tour schedule the earliest, is of course, Chris. Check his Myspace Music page...

DJ in AL said...

GDA-we have cable internet, have been satisfied with it. For the same reasons you have, couldn't take another day of dial up.


xangelglitterx said...

ONE LOVE........................

risalea said...

Chris, got to hear you on the JOY-FM station from Sarasota this AM. Loved your banter, and you know a true professional when you can sing that early in the morning! : ) Safe travels this week! Risa

rosalee said...

Did everyone see that "Empty Me" has advanced in the Mediabase Charts again? (now up to position 29 from 44). In Radio&Records it's still in the Christian AC "Most Added" category and also now in the "Most Increased Plays" category. The links are on the fansite.

Cathy Storms said...

Chris~I also heard you this morning on Joy FM. You were so funny..Loved the bantor. Your voice, amazing as usual...When are you going to post the tour dates?

risalea said...

FYI--the interview at 4 eastern time in GA today is being taped for later broadcast. They couldn't tell me exactly for when, but he thought for broadcast Wed. afternoon. I'm home today, so was trying to catch the ones I could.

ChrisSligh said...


That actually is last week's chart...this week, I will be the #1 added all by my lonesome (#1 added 3 weeks in a row) and I'll be #1 at New & Active, which basically means I'll debut on the chart next week, if things keep going like they're going).


rosalee said...

Thanks, Chris.

I'll update the fansite.
I guess it hasn't yet been updated online by the sites I know about, or have access to.

Cathy Storms said...

Yeah~#1 added three week in a row. Way to go...

gdahimself said...

To Xangelglitterx,
From GDA,

With the discovery of YouTube and more sites with streaming media, in addition to recently spending more time online, it was previously regarded as an unjustified and unnecessary expense to go beyond dail up at home.
The virtues of the upgrade are now apparent and appealling, maybe it will be wireless if the right deal is found.

Being able to go online at work probably cause a bit of lagging on the home front.

New technology is expensive when first introduced because they try to recoup the cost of research and developement as quickly as possible. If there is no particular advantage to getting it on day one, why not wait until there is a need or it is more affordable.

I once read in Computer Arts, one of the reviewers noted that people who have the latest equipment and the latest software often have people with older equipment and software out perform them because they now know how to get the results they seek. They know it inside out and what it can do.

risalea said...

Good to see you posting, GDA. You've been missed!

I would say you will be amazed at the speed difference when you get changed over, but if you have internet at work, you've probably already experienced that. Mine is getting slow as Christmas, but I think that has more to do with needing new memory than my connection.

Speaking of lack of memory (as in my own!) are you going to try and come to the picnic?

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Rosalee. As always you're right on top of things. Of course you would know about the appearance and post when appropriate. Guess my excitement just overtook me.

I find it incredible that you have followed Rockapella for 20 yrs. You must've seen a lot of members come and go. I still gotta visit YouTube to view 'em.

rosalee said...

Clarissa -
Yes, I've seen quite a turnover in that group. I have Sean Altman's music up on my Myspace site. He was one of the earlier members and, in my opinion the "musical brains" behind Rockapella in the mid 1980's through the mid 1990's. He has several solo CDs out. I have his first one, "Seandemonium", which is very good.