Well, yesterday, I was making a disc of all the songs that will be on the record and as I was listening through the songs, I realized there was a common theme throughout the entire album. Nearly every song spoke in some way of being broken. In fact I think there are 6 or 7 songs that actually have the word "broken" in the lyrics at some point. But it's not just saying "I'm broken" or "you're broken"...it's looking at brokenness in every way possible.
For instance, "Only You Can Save" tells of loving the broken because God loved us first. "In the Weak" speaks of reaching out to the broken because God lives in the broken. "Our Love" talks about the fact that we are all broken people because of the sin condition, so why would we not love the world around us, when we have been forgiven much. A new song called "Scars" takes a Brennan Manning quote that says "God will not look you over for medals, diplomas, or honors, but for scars" and talks about the fact that it is our scars that speak to grace. And so on...nearly every song speaks of brokenness.
So the new title of the record is "The Anatomy of Broken"
I'm so pumped for you guys to hear everything on this record!
Can't wait, and about ready to send the posse out to light a fire under some slooooooooow attorneys! I think that new title much better reflects the content of the album. Thumbs up!
I love the album title! That's great that you were able to discover the " broken" theme without realizing it.
Love the theme... love the title...interesting how it all came together for you.
I hate to always agree with you cause it sounds like sucking up, but the new title is brilliant!
Great new title Chris, now to get started recording and get the record deal announced!
Love it. It is very interesting how it all came together.
Can't wait for it to come out.
That is a brave, beautiful title for your album. And I love the reasonings behind it all too.(hugs)
Many levels, and everyone can relate, no doubt.
Just my humble opinion - the new title sounds a little antiseptic and formal to me - perhaps too scientific for a condition of the heart. Perhaps this title has been take a million times, but what about simply "Broken"?
Very cool!
Can't wait to here it! Yes, our scars do attest to His grace. Very much so.
I am very excited to hear the new album.. The title is amazing and I know people will be blessed..
God Bless
I expect that stop this on the Chris Sligh makes you immensely happy.
Cornerstone Bible Fellowship
7351 Warden Road
Sherwood, AR 72120
Jimmy, the photo is something else.
Yep, Chris and Andrew are doing a show for my Junior League and its project, Heaven's Loft, on April 18th. We're excited and nervous at the same time. Getting folks to turn loose of underwriting money is not so easy in this economy. But, we're working on it! Anyone interested in being a sponsor, give me a holla'! (we've got sponsorships available from $2000 to a $25 Friend of the League level....feel free to whip out your checkbook!) ; )
I'm sure you can count on some Blogger Girls sponsorships, er but probably not the $2000 variety. LOL
No? ;)
Risa~count me in...but as DJ says, er..not the $2,000 donation..lol...
.....would if I could........
Happy Friday Fro Patro!
Hope you aren't snowed in where you are today unless you wanta be!
.... I want to be - snowed in that is!
Ice developing here...not as much fun! Driving=treacherous.
Oh. My. Goodness.
I just checked the tour schedule, which only has a few dates on it... but imagine my surprise when I saw my very own little town!! It's not at my church, but at a new church that meets in the school a half mile down the road from my church. It's on a Sunday morning at 10:30 AM. I see no conflicts with my choir schedule or my daughter's, so if I get someone to cover my Sunday School class, it looks like I may finally have the chance to see Chris in person!
Where do you live EmilyBoo?
Emilyboo -
There will be an afternoon or evening performance on that day also, but I don't have a time on it yet.
I can't believe you haven't seen Chris yet, you must go to this!
Yeah for you!
Emily, surely you'll find someone with this much lead time. If not, make your husband take over! ; )
Emily~That's awesome. You have to make it work. And you have to take pictures for us all to share your experience.
Rosalee, good to hear that will not be the only performance. Keep me posted, please.
Anon, I'm in Michigan.
Thanks for all the love, Blogger Girls!
Per the Michael W. Smith song, "Come Together Now" for Haiti that Chris participated in: Rosalee has some video up on chrissligh.com and chris-sligh.info...just found this today on via facebook: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ej5_GzzccW8&feature4
You can see Chris towards the right, along with Phil Stacey, Mandisa and Meredith Andrews (she's toured w/Chris and is awesome!)
Ahhhhh, the harmonies!
R & R,
Thanks for the link to the Haiti project, sounds fab! Easy to spot our Fro Friend, well cause of the Fro.
Looked like fun to me....
I just got an email from my favorite local pub saying that Jason Castro will be there this Tuesday to do an acoustic set before sticking around to watch idol. Debating whether I should try to go... would need a babysitter on short notice, but meeting an idol + eating my favorite mac & cheese = a good evening.
You should go see Jason, Emily. He did an acoustic thing here in LR a few months back and was really good.
Oh Emily, you must go. You might not get another chance and to see one of your favorites is a great opportunity. Wish the blogger girls lived closer because we would babysit for you..
"Only You Can Save" tells of loving the broken because God loved us first
--> sounds like my kind of song! Looking forward to hearing it!
Sammy, you can hear that song at:
Welcome, Sammy!
As Risa says, Welcome Sammy
Anyone else on Twitter? Chris said the deal is finished and a Press Annuoncent is forthcoming! I can't wait for the finished product! Whoo-hoo!
I guess the lawyers heard the Blogger Girls were coming after them if they didn't get on the stick! LOL Yay, can't wait!
I just found out that my church will be having Aaron Shust and Downhere the evening of March 20 (the day before your morning date a half mile down the road!)This concert will be a fundraiser for Haiti through Compassion International. If you are in town already at that time, it would be awesome to see you there... surprise guest? ;)
Oh, and YAY for the deal being finished!!!
You lucky duck! I absolutely love downhere. They are awesome! I really didn't know much about Aaron Shust until I saw him on the B2ST2 and really just ended up loving him too. You are going to be in for a real treat.
Chris congrats on the deal being finalized. Now you can focus on what you love-- making that new album!
Chris, So cool to be in final stages now! Looking forward to formal announcement soon. Hope you're having great bonding fun w/your brother.
What great news for you! Finally a Chris concert AND Shust and Downhere!! You hit the jackpot. I, like Carmen, really, REALLY like Downhere. Great sound. Make sure you tell us all about your musical weekend when it's all over.
Nicely done.
--Terrace Crawford
Super Bowl Fan Call: I know Chris is on Team Colts, but gotta' go with our neighbors to the south: Geaux Saints! Which team are you rooting for today?
I love, love me some Peyton, but there's another part of me that would like to see the Saints win. Sorry Chris:)
Anyway....it's more about the wings and cheese fries right? LOL
No wings for me. Boo. Try a veggie tray with salsa instead of dip. I have to pretend. ; )
I love me some Peyton also DJ. It was a really good game.
No snacks for me, just made some really good home made chili for dinner. It was soooo good...
Hubby's glad the Saints won. I'm actually kind of glad also, they deserved to win. But don't tell Lohn that..It's hard enough living with him right now. lol....
Could it be?
Risa, Oh I hope so...
Happy Valentine's Day, friends! Hope your day is filled with love and laughter.
Happy Valentine's Day to all my blogger girls and friends.
Happy Valentine's Day Fro Patro!
Fro Head needs to show his Blog some love!
Just sayin.
Happy Valentine's Day to all my Fro Friends! I hope everyone has a love-filled day.
I'm in agreement with DJ.
Happy valentine's day!
I do believe the blog is feeling neglected...
God bless you to sing very inspiration song for us. I'm live in Thailand if you have a chance to come here or want to say hi to me, here, my e-mail address: suntaree-october-star@hotmail.com
God bless & Love
Hello Ladies! With all the snow and ice we've had here in the mid-south, maybe Chris has gone sledding? Snowman building? ;-)
Hope everyone is well and snug in their abodes. As long as the coffee holds out, we'll all be just fine.
Phil talks about Chris in Richard Rushfield's article today about Surviving the Hollywood Round:
"Phil Stacey, Season 6: I roomed with Chris Sligh. He became one of my best friends, but Chris is brutally honest. I just remember winding down each day with Chris' predictions of who was going to make the Top 24—or at least the Top 12 guys. The list made minor changes every day, but it never included me. I would just laugh and ask him why he didn't think I'd make it. He'd chuckle and say, "Well, you've got the voice... You just need confidence." That is why to this day, I still rub it in that I stuck around long enough to meet Bono during Top 6 week and well... he didn't."
Well, to repeat an old adage I told a friend yesterday, "Good things come to those who wait."
Aren't friends great for keeping our heads on straight?! LOL
Oh, crap that whole thing rhymed. ; )
Hey - I just saw this posted - of course Fro-Man is one of the top 10 ever performances! And - look at the "stars" he is posted with! Go! Chris!
Only a really good friend can get away with comments like Phil's, lol. I have a friend or two (or 10) like that. I don't always appreciate their love pats at the time but they are almost always spot on and in almost all cases I have become better for their comments/advice/input.
Real Story: so all week long I put together this list of who I thought was top 24 (got 22 right, btw-did not pick Sundance & got 1 girl wrong). Phil & I would talk it over every night, who we thought was great, etc. I put Phil on every list at first then he would talk me out of it every freaking time. And for the record on my final list, Phil was on it. And let's just be honest about it: Phil met Bono b/c I met Dave.
LOL, "Phil met Bono b/c I met Dave". Truer words were never spoken dude.
LOL, yep!
"Phil met Bono b/c I met Dave".
Now that's funny and oh so true..
LOL Chris funny to hear your side of the story, as usual. :)
That certainly is true that Phil met Bono because you met Dave...
And did I ever tell you that right after your infamous "Hi Dave" moment, I personally emailed Dave begging him to give up on Sanjaya and to make you their VFTW pick. And he actually WROTE ME BACK and told me he wished he could, but they just had too good a thing going with Sanjaya (which was true). I always thought it was so nice of Dave to respond, and I've liked the guy ever since :). They may be mean to others, but they've always stood by you, Chris! (Well, except for not choosing you over Sanji...)
Has anyone else heard about the latest AI scuttlebutt-the story about Chris Golightly. I read about it on internet news earlier today. What do you think about this Chris? I would post the link for the story, but I don't know how to do that (I'm a technological doofus).
Dave should have voted for Chris instead of Sanjaya-I never liked Sanjaya. However, he did do pretty good on that Survivor rip-off "I'm A Celebrity-Get Me Out Of Here!"
Amy, I've been interested in the Golightly story and was of the opinion he was screwed out of his spot. But now more info has come out about a 2 yr contract that he signed in May of '09. SO...I don't know what to believe. It's convoluted and I have no first hand knowledge of any of it. So...I'm moving on and choosing to think the best of all parties. I wish him success doing whatever he wants to do.
Chris joined with Michael W. Smith and many others to make the song and video "Come Together Now" to aid Haitian relief efforts. Available on iTunes!
What's up blogger friends?
Where is our awesome leader?
We need a new topic badly...
What's up, Cathy! I sent Chris an e-mail and told him we missed him. I have been going to Twitter.com to read his tweets and am also hanging out on FB. I sure do miss talking to everyone on the blog and hearing from Chris!
Didn't Chris say that he was in the recording studio this week with vocals. He must be crazy busy... although YES - we need to hear from him.
Your song is on american Idol! Talk about full circle.
I's a shame "Idol" didn't mention that Chris co-wrote "Here Comes Good-bye".
Amy, You are right. Sometimes I think there are certain former contestants the AI machine doesn't WANT to have success.
You'd think just ONE of those 5 could have credited him. Randy tosses out the name of some guy I'd never heard of. WHAT??? SHEESH!
What a low night for Idol. Crummy show.
I was very disapointed that Chris was not mentioned by either Randy or Simon. Both of them knew that Chris wrote that song and it would have been nice to given Chris his props. Just shows that neither them or the show has any class. Even my Mom called during the show when Chris's song was being done and wanted to know if why they didn't mention Chris.
I have enjoyed Chris's tweets about the show but I always read them after the it is over and I have already rated the competition. I like to see if Chris and I agree or not. Been in agreement about 90 percent so far. Gotta say that this years group just doesn't seem that good so far.
Had to just come and add my lamentations about Chris not being mentioned on Idol last night. I mean come ON.
I ditto everyone's comments about AI last night. The show has sunk to new lows on so many levels. First this season's contestants stink. Sorry, there a a couple of exceptions out of the 24 but overall for "the best they've ever seen" (pulleease)they don't come close to the talent in previous seasons, notably season 6. Not mentioning Chris' name last night wasn't just a slap at him and let's be honest did we expect any different?..It was poor marketing/branding on their part. They passed on a great opportunity to attach themselves to the success of HCG though we all know they did little to launch or help Chris. His talent and perseverance did that. That and incredible chops.
For those of you wondering where the heck Chris is these days, (besides working) he's forsaken us for Twitter, lol. So if you're missing him you'll have to pop over there. Hey, it's better than nothing:)
Sending love to my Fro Patro from DJ in AL!
You must still be sick, I didn't see any Twitter reviews last night...you ok?
So, I needed a reality break this afternoon and Googled Chris Sligh to see if there was any buzz on Aaron's singing HCG and found quite a few Chris Sligh mentions for HCG:
From Reality Rocks Music Blog:
"....Instead Aaron stuck with a heartland-friendly, G-rated country weeper, Rascal Flatts' "Here Comes Goodbye" (which, incidentally, was co-penned by controversially outspoken Season 6 contestant Chris Sligh)". Loved the "controversially outspoken" part, LOL.
and....from Idol Chatter:
"Chris Sligh will be happy -- Aaron's singing the Rascal Flatts hit Here Comes Goodbye, which he co-wrote." Actually he wasn't all that thrilled considering the boy murdered the song.
and from Foxes on Idol:
"Aaron has chosen "Here Comes Goodbye" by Rascal Flatts. Since Chris Sligh wrote this, does it count as an Idol song?" Um no, no it doesn't count.
and from TV Fodder: "Aaron’s voice stood out really well. His nerves showed a little bit as he sang Rascal Flatts’ “What Hurts the Most,” (ironically penned by former “Idol” singer Chris Sligh) ....." This one cracks me up cause they got the name of the song wrong..but they did spell Chris Sligh right so that's all that matters.
and from LimeWire music blog:
".....yet safe version of Rascal Flatt’s #1 country smash from last year, “Here Comes Goodbye.” (Quick side note: Did you know the song was co-written by season 6 Idol finalist Chris Sligh?)". Um, yea, we did.
Ok Fro Patroers that's all I had time for in my search, sure there was more. Anyway it seems we didn't need AI to mention Chris as much as we thought cause quite a few folks seem to know what he's been up to. Good to know!
At least others have mentioned Chris having something to do with HCG. I agree though with everyone that "Idol" has no class and has sunk to a new low. I never thought Simon had any class to begin with.
I agree with Carmen and think this year is pretty crappy. And critics and the judges complained about season 6 and called it weak?! "Idol" is on its way down the toilet, in my opinion. I like Ellen on her show but don't think she is good as a judge on AI. She keeps telling everyone they're "pushing too hard". After a while, I started to picture her in a delivery room yelling at pregnant women,"Don't push! You're pushing too hard!"
I'll be glad when "The Biggest Loser" comes back on after the Olypics are over because I don't think I'll be watching much of AI.
There's my two cents worth!
P.S.-I'm going to see Amy Grant tomorrow night and I'm so excited!
LOL, Amy, thanks, I'll never get that image out of my head now when Ellen says "pushing too hard" now!
Hey DJ in AL...
Thank you for the google. The only one I had seen was the Idol Chatter - and I was looking for something else! GREAT to know that it IS out there about CHris writing the song. It is almost the weekend! Hooray!
DJ sweet of you to ask about me. I actually was bashing around downtown Indy being all cosmopolitan at public arts lectures and bars and such - um yea, totally not me. I was featured in the lecture of my friend, so was invited and went - in spite of Idol being on. (Crazy I know). And ironically I WAS sick, also. Thanks for your worries. :)
I'm caught up now though.
Thanks so much for Googling those articles! I had thought of doing the same but was too lazy. I did find THIS though...
Blake Lewis did a blog for AOL and he DID NOT mention that Sligh wrote Here Comes Goodbye. I was really shocked by this. I mean, his fellow season 6 FRIEND? I couldn't help it, I commented on it on his facebook post of the article.
I said "OK and even BLAKE doesn't give Chris Sligh cred for Here Comes Goodbye? Sorry Blake but, what is wrong with the world?"
Guess what guess what?
Blake replied to me! .. I know, I get excited easily.
His only response to anyone on that post was: "Lori, I forgot that that was the song Chris wrote. My bad. "
OK so that makes me feel better. Blake owned up. Now I don't dislike him as much for being jerky when I half-met him on Idol Tour.
Lori, glad you were out having fun, good for you! Hope you're feeling better think I saw you were sick on FB. And WAY TO GO, getting after Blake! Way to leave your bro out in the cold. I actually saw his article and was a little ticked at him as well, so yea, I feel a little better now, but definitely his bad, LOL!
I'll add a quote to the pile from Jim Cantiello (MTV) -
"Also weird? Seacrest made no mention of season six finalist Chris Sligh, who co-wrote "Here Comes Goodbye." Why the snub? That seems like a perfectly good and appropriate opportunity to let "Idol" pat itself on the back. I guess you have to win an Oscar before "Idol" claims an also-ran as one of its own."
Here's the full article:
Maybe American Idol will rectify the snub tonight, but I wouldn't hold my breath....
Yeah, I thought "Idol" would redeem themselves last night and admit they goofed up by not mentioning Chris and HCG-no such luck. Chris is right, "Idol" doesn't care about anything except using people to make money and get ratings-they don't care about their contestants, past or present. By the way, is Alex Lambert any relation to Adam Lambert.
Good morning, friends! Quick stop before I head out the door to do a thousand Sat. errands. Looks to be a sunny, beautiful Saturday (my thoughts to any of you fighting another snow storm on the east coast...Rosalee, y'all making it?)
Chris tweeted he had lost his voice and it delayed the recording of the vocals for the new album. Hope you're voice is on the mend, Chris and that you'll be back here (ahem!) sooner than later.
I'm getting tired of all of this snow, Risa. Thank God we have a snowblower!
Here's an interesting article on the money that the Idols make:
It sounds like Kris Allen is doing pretty well for himself!
Freaking Fantastic USA interview you and Phil did! I love that you guys put that stuff out there. Very interesting, provocative and every word credible. I love that you don't shy away from controversy in fact let's be honest Fro Man, you revel in it, lol!
Hope the Fro Patro is having a fab weekend!
Happy Birthday Amy..
Here's a link to the article Deb referenced:
Happy Birthday Amy! Have an awesome day!
Happy birthday, Amy!
Happy Birthday, Amy!
Have a good one!
Thanks for sharing this great post
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