Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blake Lewis "Heartbreak On Vinyl"

Hey guys, you can listen to all of Blake Lewis's new album "Heartbreak on Vinyl" HERE

Take a listen. I'm about half way through the album and it sounds really, really good. He's singing better than ever, the beatboxing is at a minimum and the tracks sounds great! THIS is the album he needed to make the first time around. Yes! My boy is rocking it!


Cathy Storms said...

Gave it a listen and I like it..
Your right, he should of done this first.

Kacie said...

I followed tweets and listened to it on amazon and really liked it. I hope the buzz spreads because I think Blake rocks!

risalea said...

I always hope someone finds success, especially someone that Amanda loved. : ) Best of luck to Blake.

Any chance of hearing the tune you tweeted about last night?

Heather said...

It's a fantastic album. You can really hear all the work he put into it. Great piece of art! I thought ADD was great, but this is so much more mature and refined,

EmilyBoo said...

Good luck to Blake.

I listened to the first song, which I liked, and parts of several other ones, most of which I was not thrilled with.

SuperScratchaVocalisticTurnatableLicious? Did not like. But, I'm sure there are those who do! Just not my taste.

Anonymous said...

I Love Blake! Thanks for linking! It's so amazing that AOL will do this, and let peoples get a free listen.

I still consider myself part of Blake's 2%, and wish him all the best in his musical exploration. I enjoyed this 2nd album more than I even hoped to, and that is a very good thing. He needs more than square-cornered people like me to be successful, and maybe with these dance-infused tracks he will be.

I'm not a good gauge on what is going to be successful, but heck, I think it's fun. :-)

rosalee said...

This album is definitely a better effort. "80's dance music" is a good fit for Blake. With his voice blending in with the layers of sound, it's not necessary for him to have such a strong voice. He's a talented guy with a number of strong songs here. I particularly liked "Binary Love", "Our Rapture of Love" and "The Point". I hope that he has success with this CD.

MJ has an interesting blog entry up about the Grammy Submissions:

Read the comments also. There's a summary in there of the stages that lead to the Grammy nominations(Dec 2) and final winner (Jan 31). Chris has 2 submissions for "Here Comes Goodbye" (Song of the Year and Best Country Song).

rosalee said...

Hey Carmen -


DJ in AL said...


Here's hoping you rock your Birthday!

Cathy Storms said...

Happy Birthday Carmen!!!
Hope your having a really great day.

ChrisSligh said...

Happy birthday Carmen!

What is it? 27?


Carmen said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes! I wish it was number 27! More like 47! Boy! did I feel my age last night. Went and saw a really cool band called House of Heroes along with a few other bands. My hubby and I were by far the oldest people in the place. I was definitely the oldest person standing near the stage and screaming. I don't think there was anyone in the place over 24. Had a great time! If you haven't had a chance to hear House of Heroes, you gotta check out the band. Their new CD is "The End Is Not The End". They will seriously melt your face. Of course they don't melt your face nearly as well as out friend Chris Sligh. After he melts your face off, you need facial reconstruction and a hip replacement!

Spending the day here in Disney World. It is a beautiful day in Florida!

risalea said...

OK, I'm late on the blog, but who serenaded you on your voicemail at 6:30 this morning?
: ) Happy Birthday, friend!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone here see the View today. Chris's blog giving advice to the Idols runners up was discussed during hot topics. As usual Whoopie and Barbara seemed to totally miss the point. Sherry Shepard got it though. They had a picture of Chris on the screen and spent a good two minutes in 'debate'. I am a big fan Chris so it was pretty fun even if some missed the point!

rosalee said...

I heard about The View. I'll wait for it to show up on either on or on

risalea said...

The View, seriously? I usually have my office day on Friday, and of course, today, I had to be at a school. Drat responsibilities! : ) They have everything up on their website through Oct. 1. Maybe it will be up somewhere later tonight. I'm disappointed if Whoopi didn't get it....sometimes she has more sense than some of them. But you go, Sherri!

EmilyBoo said...

I'm with Anon, Whoopi and Barbara totally missed the point. Plus, they're a little late discussing this, it was a hot topic almost 2 weeks ago!

risalea said...

They just put up the piece on "The View" website.

Go show Sherri some love...and even Joy who called it a "reality check."

Cathy Storms said...

The View...Wow..That's amazing.

DJ in AL said...

Props to Sheri and Joy, particularly Sheri who cut Whoopie off mid-sentence and got her point across! Highly amusing that it made the view! Love it.

risalea said...

MJ put up a piece about it. Run over there and comment, blogger friends. And post your thoughts on the view site as well.

DJ in AL said...

I hadn't heard Whoopie's comments about Polanski. She said that what Polanski did wasn't rape-rape. Um, excuse me, could someone explain this kind of crazy comment to me? Are some rapes better than others?

Wow, just wow.

Anonymous said...

Whoopie came across as a cranky old woman, who frankly, doesn't know WTH she's talking about. Srsly, disappointing. I know people say there is no such thing as bad press, etc, but do we really always need to give people proverbial black eyes, and be so cynical? What did Chris do, except for urge the Idols to dig in and try their hardest, and get the best advice possible?

The one thing they forget is, Chris will actually have the possibility of being friends with the new crop of Idols. He will get to know them as people, and no doubt keenly appreciates their struggle(and it IS A STRUGGLE)to make it in the music biz. He deserves the chance to wax philosophical, and offer in a gentle way some advice that no doubt will never really come up in polite conversation. Things you wish you could say, and stuff, you know. That doesn't make him an aass.

There is still a sort of denial running thru American consciousness that Idol is not a real source of "Music". Even having produced the likes of Carrie and Kelly and others, it tends to be dismissed. It isn't about being famous for 15 minutes, but rather, about a real chance to succeed.
Sending a hug--

Lena said...

The ladies of The View were discussing your blog post about how to continue your career once the Idol tour is over. They so did not get what you were saying. I think you should be a guest on the show and explain it to them!

I am surprised that there isn't a show on TV with all the top 10 performers. I am sure it would be a hit, so much talent!

Hischild said...

That was beautiful. I agree wholeheartedly. Way to say it!

Cathy Storms said...

Bully~beautifully said. And I so agree with you.

Lena~I think they should have Chris on the View also. And we should all be guests in the audience...Another road trip girls? lol...

rosalee said...

On The View, it seemed like Sherri was the only one who actually read the blog. The others were just talking out of ignorance. But at least Chris received some national attention, so it's all good. I wish that Sherri would have had more time to elaborate on Chris's advice. Two minutes was not even enough time to scratch the surface.

risalea said...

Well, I for one, was so disappointed in Whoopi. Thought she had better sense and I have no patience for pronouncing Sligh wrong. "igh" as in "light", "eigh" as in "eight". The former schoolteacher in me is cringing. What did they do, cut their budget and get rid of all the interns who are supposed to make sure things like that are done right? Makes you wonder about anything they discuss, if it's even looked at 2 minutes before airtime. Yay for Sherri, and Joy, as well...what little she got in was that he was giving a reality check.

Come on girls, put Mr. Sligh on and let him explain since y'all obviously need an explanation of the whole thing. (I bet if Elisabeth had been on there, she'd have been in his corner.)

risalea said...

Oh, and Barbara's comment annoyed me to no end...something to the effect of, these Idols have had their chance at their 15 minutes of fame and basically, if that's all they have, they should be content with that and just go on back to what they did before. What, they have no right to do what they love? Chris's advice was a way to help them be able to keep hold of the brass ring and possibly not fade into obscurity. I wonder how many men thought Barbara Walters should just go on back home instead of becoming one of the first women news reporters/anchors back in the day. Would she have been content with her 15 minutes, never to work in the field she loved again? Ohhhh, that really got me, really almost worse than Whoopi, because it sounded so condescending.

HstryQT said...

Day late to the fun, as usual. But holy smokes - The View!! Count on Chris to make it onto Hot Topics ... we knew it'd have to happen eventually :).

I agree that they should have Chris on to explain himself - he'd make an awesome guest host (much better than Kate Gosselin). I've always been the one that said Chris needs to guest host on Regis and Kelly - hey, I'll settle for the View.

I also agree that Whoopi and Barbara just sounded ignorant and like they hadn't done their homework and read the blog, whereas Sherri obviously read it and got it. Because of that, I may just have to check out Sherri's new sitcom.. way to keep it real Sherri. I like her even more now.

Anonymous said...

Hey all-- thanks for the nice words of agreement.

The thing with Idol as a show is, we relate to the contestants as people who really are wanting to make music their business. A chance to live their dream. That can be a brutal process, and while I can never say I had that kind of yen-- I sure admire the folks who put themselves out there.

I'm not sure I'd want to see Chris on a show like that. While I'm sure he'd appreciate the debate, and he is certainly sharp and witty enough to keep up the banter, I doubt the Ladies would be willing to admit how far away such starting-out struggles have flown. He's the little guy who is finally making it, but still, is beneath their foot.

Won't it be nice when someday, he isn't?;-)

risalea said...

Well, whether or not Chris would have any desire to appear on "The View," one of my twitter friends suggested what is probably an outstanding idea...send Sherri Shepherd a big old gorgeous bunch of flowers, with a note thanking her for actually reading your blog, (instead of only reading negative comments on it, as it seems Whoopi did)

Hope y'all are having a marvelous's chilly and rainy here...a perfect nap day. Course, I have too much to do, but I can dream! LOL

DJ in AL said...

Risa, that's actually a great idea, it would probably get him a public thank you too.

Anonymous said...

I never really listened to much from Blake's 1st album although I enjoyed him on the show. I've listened to about 1/2 the songs so far and really like it. Thanks for the link.

As for Chris' words being taken the wrong way, what else is new? *Sigh* I hate that he's had to deal with that for so long. Whoopie was way off the mark, Barbara too but the others seemed fine with what he said and realize it was to help them out.

risalea said...

Y'all may have seen this, but since our boy Chris is such a Southwest fan, (as are many of us), you might enjoy this little ditty from one of their flight attendants.

rosalee said...

Here is an interesting statistical analysis by Donna Reynolds. She is drawing conclusions based strictly on Idol record sales:

BTW, Chris's stats are incorrect for his total record sales. In his Sept. 19th blog, he said that he has sold 60K+ units.

ChrisSligh said...

Actually my stats are for all markets, including the CBA market, which includes the Christian bookstores, which are not counted for some reason in the Soundscan chart that Debra is looking at. Not sure why that is the case, but Mandisa, for instance, on her first record has sold close to 140k of her first album. But Ken Barnes of USAToday has only given her credit for about 50k. The reason being, from what I understand, that the public Soundscan records do not include CBA scans...however, if you pay some crazy amount of money to have a full Soundscan account, you can find the actual CBA numbers. I have sold 15k in the mainstream and another roughly 45k in the CBA market.

Believe me, my numbers are right...I get an email weekly that gives exact numbers.


ChrisSligh said...

Apologies: 2 should be CMTA sales, not CBA sales. And it looks like I'm right under 60k, not right above it.


rosalee said...

Blake's "Heartbreak on Vinyl" is released today....

risalea said...

Blake's not my cup of tea, but he definitely has an audience out there...a tweet from one of my twitter friends:

Heartbreak on Vinyl by @blakelewis is > or = musical crack! i can't stop listening!! i think i might need a 12 step program & support group!

I think she likes him! : )

Anonymous said...

Heh! I like him too.
So far there are only a couple songs I'm not crazy about, but it may be more to do with a lyric thing. It is very catchy tho, and I expect to enjoy this album. Let's see what the other Idol fans think, tho. Wishing Blake only luck with this venture.

I heard a song on WAYfm on Friday morning that reminded me of the style Blake seems to like. It was a remix(of several available), of apparently a fairly popular song: "Cut", by Plumb.

Maybe this sound is just more popular than some of us realize?

risalea said...

I was just on MJ's blog, and saw this video promoting an upcoming article in People on teen heart throbs then and now with Rick Springfield and David Archuleta. I was surprised to hear Rick is 60. Seriously? I guess I got older and thought he was frozen in time. When I graduated from Donny Osmond, (who is about my age), there was Rick Springfield, the very cute older rock star. Which he still is, BTW. LOL

Chris, you must tweet from U2!

gdahimself said...

Apparently the opportunity of audit
"Heartbreak On Vinyl" is past. It's no longer part of the line up, at least not as of this moment.

Hischild said...

Just back from grocery store where MIL bought the Globe rag sheet.

Chris, it seems your Idol advice blog post lives on even STILL.

Headline reads: Exposed! Cruel 'Idol' Sells False Dreams! Was nice to see your words were used as solid FACT and no aspersions were cast on your sense of self-importance or motivation.

I tell you, when I saw your picture in there, I immediately thought the worst! What??? Chris has some love child in Acapulco???? Oh please! LOL!

risalea said...

I have seen it all now...these are no surprises left.

Our Chris has made the Globe.

Pardon me while I run to Walmart. : )

DJ in AL said...

OMG, I can't tell you how badly I needed a laugh today. Chris in the Globe. Too much, really too much!!!

HstryQT said...

... The View and now THE GLOBE. That kills me. I needed that laugh today. Cracks me up. I might just need to go out and buy it too, it'll be my first and only copy of the Globe. Going in the Fro Patro scrapbook :).

Cathy Storms said...

The Globe..OMG..That is so funny. Like you Lori, I am stopping on my way home and buying a copy. This is so going in the Chris scrapbook..

gdahimself said...

I wonder how many people just taking a quick look at the supermarket tabloids with come to other conclusions about Chris' appearance on their cover ala Whopi*?

* deliberately misspelt

chamilton said...

You guys are too fast.... I got mine too. The Globe. HAHAHAAHA something new for autograph


Hischild said...

Sorry to mislead. Chris is not on the cover anywhere. You must look into the bowels of the Oct 12th issue.
I will reiterate it is my MIL who buys these things and reads them from cover to cover. NOT ME! Trying to do my part to maintain my intellectual and classy persona around here! ha ha
When the headline said "Cruel Idol" my hackles went up immediately! How DARE they call Chris cruel!!! Then I realized they were dissing the show. The hot Globe scoop is AI doesn't care about the kids, just the $$ they make for them. Well duh!

risalea said...

OK, Clearsa, just put me in line behind your MIL. I bought two. Felt totally guilty putting money in the Globe's pocket, especially when my preacher's wife walked by (no lie) and I had to hide them under some gift bags I was buying! LOL

Chris, are you ready for Carmen and Amy? They are on GO and ready for their Sligh Overload weekend...three shows in a row!

Oh, and I'm so excited. My BB died (Deb should go on the road...she said it committed suicide from being on 24/7 LOL) and I got an iPhone. Unfortunately, due to my USB connection on the BB being messed up, I am painstakingly having to hand enter contact info. I didn't know I knew so many people!

Night, friends!

risalea said...

Oh, Michael Sarver was on a chat this afternoon with AINow, and they asked the question:

Season 6 finalist Chris Sligh recently posted a somewhat controversial blog in which he hoped to give all of you top 10 finalists a "reality check." Did you read that post and, if so, how did you react?

His response:
I did read that post. And I believe that some of what he said was true, but my road is mine. I believe success is measured by how hard you work and if I get back as much as I give success is inevitable. In other words, I will work my tail off.

Oh, Michael....I fear for your future. Unfortunately, success is NOT inevitable, and you must not only work hard, but smart, hence Chris's advice.

ChrisSligh said...

Yeah, Risa, I saw that with Sarver...and I felt the same way. I think the guy can definitely be successful, especially if he did do a country fact, I'd love to help him as much as I could...but just saying hey I wrote 913 songs isn't really proving anything. I wrote 913 songs before I wrote my first one that I actually thought was good enough to actually record. Granted, it's highly likely that he is more talented and a quicker learner than I...

I do think his attitude of being willing to work will go a LONG way. But I'm not sure that living in Texas is the answer. Not sure just recording songs in his home studio is the answer - though if he's a great engineer and makes great records at home then making records at home is a smart way to save money (and maybe I misunderstood his plans here). But most artists aren't a good enough judge of their own performances to produce albums of their own right off the bat. I mean, honestly, every time I work with a new producer I'm learning like crazy. The guy who is working on my new album I'm learning from just in preproduction work. I'm not sure I'd trust myself to produce a major label quality record on my own right now...but that's just me...


DJ in AL said...

I too really like Michael Sarver,
but his statement "....if I get back as much as I give success is inevitable" is IMHO a serioiusly naive statement. If not naive then a huge case of wishful thinking. It takes alot more than hard work be a success in the music industry. It takes alot of luck, alot of being in the right place at the right time, networking and hooking up with people who are already successful in the business.

I wish him nothing but success but hardwork alone is not going to get him there.

Cathy Storms said...

Carmen & Amy, have fun this weekend. I so wish I could have made it. I'm there in spirit.

I watched Kelly Clarkson on the view yesterday. What a cutie pie..
Chris, how does she get her voice to sound so haunting in "Already Gone"? I saw her do it live and it gave me chills..It is beautiful.

Cathy Storms said...

I also really like Michael Sarver's voice and wish him much success. But get back as much as you give? Oh if only...
It would be cool is he worked with you Chris. I think he does have a chance in country, but who knows. It certainly won't happen overnight. My 1st husband was a musician in a band and he was really good.He played guitar, steel guitar and vocals. He wrote quite a few songs. He even won entertainer of the year here in San Diego. They made a record and actually sold quite a few. But we never moved from San Diego and even though he worked really hard it never went anywhere. Where the fiddle player for his band moved to Texas and then to Nashville. He ended up working with Ricky Skaggs. I really think if we would have moved to Nashville my ex might have had a chance. I wish someone would of given us the advice you have given others.

risalea said...

I had a couple of comments that made it to the chat, but not all. On one, I was like...if you are doing country, move to Nashville! If he won't leave home, his chances are diminished. I want to say, Michael, your home is where your wife and kids are, so pick them up and move them! I do think he would have a chance in fans are very loyal and I think they like the kind of hard working, every man background he comes from. But again, he's got to work smart. He seems very sweet. I hate for him to have his heart broken. Listen to Chris and bring him on to write and/or produce with you. Michael!

Anonymous said...

So is anyone watching post season baseball? If so, who are you rooting for? I'd love to see an Angels/Rockies or Angels/Dodgers world series.

I really need to work on getting a car already because then I wouldn't miss these events in my state. It sucks that FL is such a long state though, it'd take me about 9 hours just to get to Georgia.

I hadn't seen that about Sarver but I wonder how much he'll be willing to sacrifice with having 2 young childen. I love that he has a positive outlook and seems to have taken the words to heart. I actually voted for him this season :) I heard a lot of potential in his voice earlier on in auditions, unfortunately he didn't do as well as I expected him to. I wish him luck in whatever path he takes in his life.

DJ in AL said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DJ in AL said...

Sending updates from Carmen and Amy from tonight's BTS Orlando concert. According to Carmen and Amy they are going to need plastic surgery after the "face melting" they experienced at tonight's concert. So, yea apparently our fellow Fro man and friends rocked the house, including that cutie patootie Andrew. They think Chris has hired a stylist or is finally listening to Sarah because in Amy's words, he was looking pretty "fine"! Sharply turned out in Black and White, very nice Sligh, very nice. Hoping there's pictures to back that up, I may pay for prints. Jon is reported as having wasted away to nothing, skin and bones as per the girls. Ordiinarily that would worry me but I believe it was intentional, eh, I thought he was cute as he was but whatever what do I know?

So yea, the girls are having a big ole time on their FL adventure as if there was any doubt of that. Only negative I heard was a little jostling at the venue by some rude and idiot teenagers possibly due to well, them being rude teenagers, that and the fact that the crowd was ginormous! Last I heard Carmen's Chris had chased them down and turned them over to the church's pastor where they are getting a sermon on respecting the personal space of their fellow concert-goers- but that could just be a rumor.

So thinking this Blogger Girl is missing a wild ole time in FL and hoping my phone doesn't ring in the middle of the night asking for bail.

More tomorrow.............not sure what is next I hope Tampa is ready for the Purple Poodle fur to hit the fan!

Erica-Rose said...

I must have missed it :| It's Backstreet Boys and Buble now.

risalea said...

Deb, did this day sneak up on us? Arkansas vs. Auburn.....GO HOGS!!!!

Cathy Storms said...

Carmen & Amy, sounds like your having a really good time. We want pictures!!! Day 2 of your Sligh adventure. Keep up posted...And don't get into any trouble you two...

risalea said...

Haven't heard yet from Carmen and Amy today, so they must be having a great time.

Say a prayer for Aaron Shust's baby, please. Saw his tweets about the baby being ill with the flu.

And one more thing, just for Deb...


risalea said...

Whoops, almost missed this, Happy Birthday, EmilyBoo!

rosalee said...

Happy Birthday, EmilyBoo!!

Cathy Storms said...

Happy Birthday EmilyBoo!! Hope you had a great day.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cathy--
I saw your comment about musicians and working in Nashville, etc. It's still as hard to get regular work as ever, even in Nashvegas. My spouse has a guy at work who plays, does studio work, and goes on tour dates with various artists, and he STILL keeps his dayjob. The key word is of course, "regular" work that applies to keeping the printing job, the thing that he can count on to pay for mortgages and stuff. He might be well liked and all by artists, but it's hard. He nearly got a job with a big name band, and that would have been a great job to commit whole hog to-- but in the end it comes down to you and another guy, and sometimes like anywhere, the other guy gets it.

Still, I agree with what you are saying: Go to where the work is. There's lots going on in Nashville. Get to know people, find the work, get it happening. I don't know that Sarver is committed to the country music venue, even tho he might fit that type best. Last I was paying attention, he still insists on doing more soulful stuff.

What's an interesting thing about Sarver is his songwriting, IMO. Maybe that will be more his niche, eh?

EmilyBoo said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes, girls!

DJ in AL said...

Emily so sorry I missed wishing you a Happy Birthday, hope it was fabulous!!!!

Risa, what can I say???? You got us this year, and I can understand your excited with a win what with your record and all! :) Sorry I'm a sore loser what can I say? War Eagle!!!!
We'll get ya next year!!!

Carmen said...

Hey all!
Well THE SLIGH IN OVER LOAD weekend in finally over. Amy and & I are literally dead on our feet. We just got home and both of us have to be up in couple of hours to get her to the airport and me to work. UGH! I gotta say that I am tired but very satisfied. Loved Loved every minute except when my camera got smashed by a rude kid. The concerts were fabulous and as mentioned by DJ if you go, expect to not only need facail reconstruction but a hip replacement as well. Chris totally brought it home. The crowds loved him and at the Orlando venue he literally was a fire hazard! (Did I mentioned his smoking new wardrobe?) There had to be close to 1500 people there and it was literally standing room only!
Jon, Clint & Tommy were great as usual and as reported Jon is looking slim & trim!
Andrew was a great opener and Merideth and Shust were fabulous.
Amy and I did the $30 show where you get the meet and greet, pre- accoustic show and T-shirt and CD and the the full band show. Well worth the money. Actually it is a steal for all that you get. If you attend one of the BACK TO SCHOOL shows I recommend spending a little extra and getting the full Sligh package.

I will post pics later. I am hoping they are good since my camera really took a beating in the mosh pit. Sligh & mosh pit-- pretty cool!

risalea said...

Can't wait to see your pictures, Carmen. Don't fall asleep in class today! ; )

Anonymous said...

Carmen-- sounds great! Where is there a listing of the B2School shows?

Cathy Storms said...

Carmen~Sounds like you had a great time. A mosh pit? Love it, love it...We want pictures

rosalee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rosalee said...

Bully -
You can find a listing of Chris's shows on, under the Tour tab:

rosalee said...

Delete the 10:53 AM timestamp from the end of the link before you click on it.

risalea said...

Oh, I was going to tell y'all I went to the best singing last night this side of heaven (or the Back to School tour! LOL)

A couple that has been at our church for maybe 6 months or so, invited everyone out after evening services to their place in the country. They have a huge metal workshop they call a barn, and everyone brought finger foods and chairs, and our best song leader from church had his power point going. There were probably 60 or so there. The harmonies were out of this world. I don't know if it was a) because it was a group of people who love to sing b)great acoustics in the building or c) the spirit was just moving. Or maybe a combo. I do know one thing that helps is having the notes on the powerpoint and not just the words....very useful for unfamiliar songs, or songs where you're trying to do the harmony and not just the melody. Anyway, a very spirit-filled time of worship!

Just 11 more days to go till I FINALLY get to the BTS tour...until then, living vicariously through Carmen and Amy's reports!

risalea said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
risalea said...

Sneak peak of Chris Sligh's new stylin' and profilin' outfit via a blog post I got on google today. Looking good, Mr. Sligh!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I dunno. I prefer Sligh in his fav McCartney t-shirt to be honest. It's who he is, what he loves-- and it's good enough for me. *shrugs* But then, I never was a person who needed to dress-it-up.

I thought of McCartney, and what an enduring impact he and his family really have made on the world the other day. Rachel Zoe was in Paris for Fashion Week, and one of the hottest designers there? Stella McCartney! I remember when he mentioned in an interview years ago, how his daughter wanted to be a designer...time flies.

I was a kid when he was big with Wings, and had "Band on the Run" on radio. It still surprises me, when I hear how the younger generation is so enamored with him(Paul) and the Beatles.

Thanks for the link reminder, for B2S. :-)

rosalee said...

I saw Paul McCartney and Wings in concert in 1976. What a great show!
I was among the first 200 people to get tickets at the box office.

Paul's latest concert is coming out on CD/DVD on Nov. 17th:

The performances (taken from the Beatles, Wings and solo works) are from this past July at Citi Field, NYC.

risalea said...

Back to School Tour fun!

DJ in AL said...


Thanks for the link, goofy, truly goofy stuff. How can anyone resist these guys? Seriously? You can try but how can you resist???


HstryQT said...

JPL & Chris (out of JPL's archives)...

This made me happy. Missed it the first time around. Glad they will hopefully write together one day and I can't WAIT til Chris can eventually get on the American Nobody show. Yay for my two favorite idols being friends (but Chris is friends with every cool idol, so, you know).

HstryQT said...

Also JPL includes that clip in his latest show. And he plugs Chris' music and has a link to his album up. Yay :).

DJ in AL said...

Lori-thanks for sending this link, loved it! Would love to see Chris on AN. He obviously loves the show and JPL too.

Anonymous said...

*hearts rosalee*

Did you see Oprah, back when "Flaming Pie" came out? She talked about him, and the Beatles, and how he had been such a favorite of her's for so long-- just giddy, talking to him. I think that right there, when a celeb has such an impact on someone so developmental to our consciousness as a People, it shows that it isn't just a passing trend. We recognize the awesome for what it is.(even if he himself dissed all the good work he did in Wings! gah.)

FTW, Flaming Pie is a monumental album. Just sayin'.:-) You were so lucky to get to see him back in the day. Seeing Steve Miller Band (finally)play was a childhood dream, but seeing Wings would have been too.

DJ in AL said...


I missed your link to new Sligh's new threads and have to say that I love, love the more sophisticated look. Obviously Sarah has thrown the fashion card down on her man.
Look, I love the Beatles t's, it's classic Sligh style and is part of who he is. But this new look makes him look successful and that's part of who he is and who he is becoming. Do clothes make the man? Not necessarily. But who doesn't love a dressed up man?

Love ya either way dude, but the new threads are hot! I know that doesn't carry alot of weight coming from someone who is old enough to be your Mo...., er Aunt, but I know what looks good, just like I know what sounds good!

Sending you love from an overworked and ready for the weekend DJ in AL!

risalea said...

OK, thanks for saying that, Deb. I was gonna' say I thought he looked hot and then I was like, wait, I'm the "aunt"....I can't say that! LOL Gaylon's fave duds don't include a suit, but I sure do love it when he puts one on. ; )

DJ in AL said...


Look, everyone knows I have no "filter". But I actually thought about changing the word hot to something else for about half a second). I hate to be an obvious fantard but I'm afraid that was established a really long time ago.

It is, what it is.

rosalee said...

Bully -

No - I did not see that episode of Oprah. You're right about Flaming Pie - it's a great record!

I just love these cross- conversations! I like the new Sligh threads, too - whether it's a new t-shirt or something a bit fancier.

EmilyBoo said...

Anyone know any unsigned Christian artists looking for a chance to shine? Gospel Music Channel is having a contest! I wish I knew someone so I'd have someone to support!! LOL So let me know if you know someone who is entering.

risalea said...

Randy, any chance of you coming down for the Springfield show on Sat., the 24th? Candy and her mom are coming, and I'm meeting Carmen and her mom and mom's friend at Branson. We're taking in one of the OK shows and the one in MO.

Miss my other blogger girls! I think we might be in need of a mid-year meeting! ; ) Speaking of a Blogger Girl, Rosalee, glad you like the new duds, too!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

HI Risalea I had very much planned to do that but alas my grand daughter has a piano recital in Kansas City at 3;00 pm on the 24th. So as much as Chris is one of my favorite performers I am going to have to choose the blond curls over the brunette ones on this occasion.

Oh yeah Jason Walker's song "Down" was on Vampire Diaries on the Cw network last night and people are searching for who he is now yipee!!

I shot for the sky
I'm stuck on the ground
so why do I try
I know I'm gonna fall down
I thought I could fly
so why did I drown
I'll never know why it's coming down down down

I flew off the couch when I heard it because I wore his ep out!!
For those who don't know he is a friend of Chris and went out with the band a lot

HstryQT said...

What great news about Jason Walker Randy!! I about wore his ep out, too :). And the Vampire Diaries is really big right now (I don't watch but I know many do). Loved hearing that, thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I made a fan video for Jason because people are really searching for him now

DJ in AL said...

Do I have to hear this MO talk? Just not right to have to hear about it day after not fair......
I'm not happy about this one tiny bit.

Not happy.

Anonymous said...

Yay for Jason Walker and the Vampire Diaries! Excellent, excellent way to get featured. That was a really powerful show last week-- and he ought to get some amazing response because of his song in it.:-)

One good placement can make all the difference.

risalea said...

Deb, you get to LR and I'll get you to Branson. Leaving on Thursday afternoon and coming back Sunday...

Randy, cool, thanks for the link. Enjoyed Jason immensely. I'm sorry you won't be there...would have loved to see you and your fam again.

Bully, hope to meet you in person one day.

DJ in AL said...

Risa-don't torment me, you KNOW I can't!

We need to do a Christmas in Nashville trip!! Any takers?

risalea said...

You know I'll be there, just have to juggle around Cindy. I think she and the fam are coming to LR for Christmas. Could see if we can get condo again through the lady I used back in April.

Chris, any shows around Nashville over the holidays?

Leah said...
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Leah said...

Hello All,
I am so sorry that I have been absent. I had meant to post several times but work and life seem to get in the way. I spent today catching up on all the postings. Wow, seems like there has been a lot going on with everyone.
Risalea and Rosalea,
I spent some time looking for Rotel but unfortunately I have not had any luck finding it. I live in the Boston area so I am guessing that it is not easy to find in this part of the country. Rosalea, I was so glad to hear that you are a big Beatles fan like me. Have you ordered the new re-mastered digital set yet? I am hoping to get it for Christmas. I was also delighted to hear that Chris is such a big Beatles fan that he is often seen sporting a Beatles shirt. I knew he had to like the Beatles when I listened to Loaded Gun. You could really hear a Beatles influence in that song. As for Chris’s new threads, I always liked the way he dressed on American Idol. I don’t recall a lot of t-shirts but rather some very cool dress shirts, jeans, a tie and a pair of classic converse. I saw the link you put up, Risalea, and the tie and shirt he had on was very similar to the look he had on AI. Which I think happens to go very well with his personality.
I was thrilled to find out that you love antiques and actually have a booth. How amazing! I must confess that I spend almost every weekend going to various sales, shops and bazaars looking for finds. I collect different types of dishes. Mainly flow blue and Fiestaware. Do you collect anything in particular?

I hope everyone else is having a great weekend. I was hoping that Chris might be coming to the Boston area but I saw that his tour schedule is going to be more in the Midwest this month. Maybe I will get lucky and have the chance to see him perform like so many of you have had.

rosalee said...

Leah -

I figured you were from the Northeast (no Rotel)! I'm from Long Island, NY. I believe MJ of is from the Boston area. So is a certain artist, Howie Green, who paints in a Pop Art style, like Peter Max.

It's hard to catch a Sligh concert anywhere in the Northeast. Once, Carmen, MJ and I met up on New Year's Eve in Westerly, Rhode Island for a Chris Sligh concert. I also caught him at a concert in Albany, NY and in Hamden, CT. These concerts are never around the corner for me. It's usually a 3-4 hour drive. I haven't seen him in concert at all this year.

I haven't ordered the Beatles Remastered box set yet because my birthday is coming up next month..... Which version do you want - the mono version or the stereo version? I think, I'd prefer the stereo version, but it's a tough choice.

Well, I'm off now to an oldies concert with Tommy James and the Shondells, The Turtles (Mark Volman) and the Rascals. At least we don't expect to be the oldest ones there!

DJ in AL said...
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DJ in AL said...


I'm starting to feel like you might be some kind of spy. I'll tell you why, I have collected Fiesta Ware for about 15 years and you are the 1st person online or otherwise that I have met that does also. And while I don't collect flow blue I do collect Phoenix Bird which is very similar-you are starting to freak me out a bit! (but in a good way). I come from a long line of antiquers and junkers, so it's in my genes. Last weekend was a dream for my best friend and I -we found a once in a lifetime estate sale. There were 100-200 piece collections of every glassware/pottery/china imaginable. I'm guessing there must have been over 2000 pieces maybe more since we got there the last 2 days. The weather has sucked here and the location was a bit out of the way resulting in them selling everything 50% off by the time we found it. It felt a little like robbery with the deals we got. It was one of those sales where you just know you won't live long enough to stumble upon such a sale again.

FYI saw your pic on your blog and you are a cutie patootie and I am likely old enough to be your youngish Mom,(LOL) but no matter we seem to have a bit in common. It never ceases to amaze me how this blog introduces us to folks we would otherwise likely never meet and I will always be grateful to Chris for that. back!

I have always wanted to visit Boston and intend to do so the next time we make it to NY. Only been to NY once on business and didn't have time to do the city right. What I remember the most was the energy of the city. It reminded me a bit of London, my favorite city in the world (not that I've been to that many).

Anyway Leah, glad to see you back on the blog.

1st half of the weekend has rocked, here's hoping the rest will as well!

Risa, sorry about your pigs, they came close, very, very close.

Sending you love from a fairly satisfied DJ in a chilly AL!

risalea said...

Deb, point of clarification: While we do say, "WOOOOOO PIG SOOIE!" we are called the Hogs or the Razorbacks. Very important distinction. ; ) We got robbed by the refs, but I was proud of the guys and how they held their own against the Gators. Unfortunately, it still goes in the loss column. Thx for thinking of us! BTW, I thought I was your BFF! : )

Leah, glad you're back, and if you will send your mailing address to me at, I'll be glad to send you a complimentary can of Rotel. Chris can vouch that I am trustworthy and not TOO crazy. (Chris? Chris? LOL)

Rosalee, your concert sounds fun. You'll have to give us a report.

Ah, last night of peace and quiet before the boys get back from their weekend trek to the woods. Night, all!

Hischild said...

Randy, Thanks for the Jason info. Good to see him getting some national exposure.

"one good placement can make all the difference". SO RIGHT. Ingrid Michaelson (my MOST favorite female singer EVER!) took off after one key song on Grey's Anatomy - "Breathing". Hopefully Jason will get the same boost.

Would have LOVED to have been w/you at your concert tonight. Oldies music is near and dear to my heart. I still consider the British Invasion night Season 6 AI as the best episode EVER! I'll NEVER erase it.

Had a bit of retro tonight myself w/Bob Dylan at the State Fair. I figured he will never be closer to me, never be cheaper AND since he's such a legend I really should experience him just once. Also, he's 68 now and ya never know when he will no longer be in good voice. HAHAHA! The place was nearly full and he never said ONE WORD to us (not even a Hello Phoenix!) other than introducing the band (during the encore set of 3 songs.) Weird! But great blues/rock band stuff. Loved it!

*(yawn)* Goodnight all!

rosalee said...

Well, the very energetic concert started at 8:00 PM and didn't end until close to 11:30 PM. A lot of time was spent setting up in between acts. During intermission, there was actually a line to the MEN'S bathroom! Is that justice? LOL.

The Turtles performed first. Mark Volman, Howard Kaylan and their band were in top form. They performed their hits, such as "It Ain't Me Babe", "Elenore", "Happy Together", and "She'd Rather Be With Me".

The Rascals with Felix Cavaliere performed next ("Groovin'", "Good Lovin'", "People Got To Be Free", "A Beautiful Morning").

During the break I was able to talk to Tommy James' guitar player. I went to high school with him. He remembered me from the music dept. and gave me one of his personalised guitar picks.
Tommy James and the Shondells performed last ("Crystal Blue Persuasion", "Crimson and Clover", "I Think We're Alone Now", "Hanky Panky", "Sweet Cherry Wine", "Mony, Mony").

Anyway, it was a great show. Later, we're going to the White Plains Galleria Mall to see Jason Castro perform.

DJ in AL said...

Risa, um yea I know that you aren't called pigs, um hello, joking. I am the SEC authority lest you forget. Looks like our kitties (Tigers for you Risa) followed the way of your pigs but not as gallantly I'm afraid. It sucks to like college football this much and be in a year(s) where you team is rebuilding and sucking! Sigh.

And you are my BFF in AR:)And my BFF when we are together:) (how's that?)

DJ in AL said...

I think Chris should do a Christmas concert in Nashville this year so the Blogger Girls and the whole Fro Patro can see each other-July is way too far away. Chris get with Risa and schedule around hers. Let us know the time and place. Small venue is fine, can even do at your place.

(I know, but it sounded like I knew what I was talking about didn't it?)

Anonymous said...

DJ sounds like she's in charge and able make things happen on her say so.

Anonymous said...

We need to get Chris's music on a TV show. The video I put up on youtube friday of Jason Walkers "Down" has over 9000 views and the version from the show Vampire Diaries that another guy put up has over 30.000.
For a while the video was the 30th most viewed in music on youtube! From the stats I have been looking at Jason could be Canada's next prime minister..... rofl. Chris its all your fault, you said check out this guy Jason.

DJ in AL said...


If only. If I was able I would for example know who YOU are, LOL!

Happy Monday fellow Fro Patroers!!

Cathy Storms said...

Christmas in Nashville. Now that sounds like fun. I really think it's time Chris brought his show to California and we could do Christmas in California...I would love to have the blogger girls come to see me, and of course Chris and the boys. lol....

risalea said...

OK,should I spend $178.75 to see an Elton John/Billy Joel concert? That's a lot of money, but a couple of legends. Dang, I sure do miss the $5 concerts back in the day at Barton Coliseum! :) Awful close to Christmas, though. Alltel is a mixed blessing...the good thing is we get way more good concerts than we did before they opened 10 years ago and the bad thing is we get way more good concerts than we did before they opened 10 years ago!

rosalee said...

Of course you should go see that concert, Risa! And if you see Billy Joel, ask him who got custody of the Chris Sligh CD! LOL

Yesterday Harry and I went to see Jason Castro at the Galleria Mall in White Plains. We almost didn’t make it because of bad traffic, which doubled the time of the trip to 1 1/2 hours.

Jason did a nice job on six songs - “That’s What I’m Here For”, “Love Uncompromised”, “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”, “All Wrapped Up”, “Let’s Just Fall In Love Again”, and “Hallelujah”. He had a nice sized crowd, which watched him from the four levels of the mall.

After the concert, we lined up to purchase merchandise for the meet & greet (autographs). He was selling posters, t-shirts and “pre-order CDs”, which consisted of his single, “Let’s Just Fall In Love Again”, plus an “IOU” for the album when it is released. While we waited on line, I saw a girl taking pictures of my bag. She said she loved Chris when he was on American Idol. Jason also was very impressed with my bag. Of course, I got my shot. The photos are in here:

Also, if anyone is interested, we have the six songs on video. On Youtube, look up the most recent items under Jason Castro and my userid, whatgoeson516.

DJ in AL said...

Risa, Yes and Yes!

Cathy Storms said...

Risa~yes of course you should spend the $$ and go. That sounds like an awesome show.

Rosalee~you make me smile..That Chris bag of yours has been everywhere...Love it..

DJ in AL said...


I meant to say that as well, you take Chris to the "nicest" places!

rosalee said...

Yeah - I really get a lot of mileage out of that bag!

I just added a few photos from the other concert (Turtles, Tommy James) to that photobucket site.

The photos are not great quality - They were taken with Harry's IPhone since the venue didn't allow cameras.

DJ in AL said...

Here's a interesting question for my fello Fro Patro buddies. When someone removes you as a friend on Facebook should you give a shout out and say "hey dude, what's up?" ???

If the answer to that question is yes would the answer still be yes if you hadn't even noticed until one of your real buddies had to bring it to your attention?

Hmmmm..never mind, I think I just answered my own question.

Sending you love from an Un-offended DJ in AL!

Cathy Storms said...

DJ~Hmmmm, good question. I guess if you don't even notice, then find out quite by accident I guess it really doesn't matter. I think that is an answer but not really sure.
You always seem to make me smile...

Anonymous said...

We have met Jason thanks to you but seriously tell me... a simple video with pictures of him and lyrics to "Down" I made in a half an hour.
20,000 views in 5 days..
another guy used the song from the show with Molly Reed singing duet, no video just one picture and no lyrics and it is coming up on
50,000 views in 6 days...
Is that crazy or what?

Anonymous said...

Hi Risa, and everybody *waves*--

The idea of going to a concert and having it cost so much $$ is always disturbing to me. Right now, Spouse and I are thinking about whether we can pony it up to see some circa 1983 favs playing in Nov. Three groups playing, so you'd think that would take the sting out! Still, we have to ponder. *sigh*

As for Elton John, Spouse saw him back in the late 80's and said he was pretty good. I dunno about $150 dollars worth tho. Aren't they capitalizing on us older folks youthful fantasy of Remember When? The temptation is huge for those of us who do.

rosalee said...

I saw Elton John in concert back in 1973, when he was releasing his "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" album. It was a great show. I highly recommend that Risa go.

Anonymous said...

Goodbye Yellowbrick Road <333
That was a great album. :-)

Nowadays my kids know him as the composer for The Lion King. While I'd like to see Lion King the Musical, I wouldn't like so much to see it in concert. It would be incongruous, yes.

Now AIDA, that was delicious. (I reccommend everyone buy that album.) I wonder how he incorporates his new music in with his old? I guess Risa will tell us!

LittleBlog said...

Blake Lewis’s new album heartbreak on vinyl is awesome. I loved it. I danced to every song and yeah, it affected the rythym of my heart. It’s like straight from the heart, not cheesy either. The songs pull at the heart strings and bring the dancing shoes alive. No one does electropop and dance or beat boxes like Blake Lewis. He’s a package deal. I believe that people of all ages will love this CD and come alive to the awesome beats and magnificent seasoned Singing voice of Blake Lewis. He’s come along way and I believe this new CD puts him in superstar status, yet he remains down home and keeps a tight relationship with his fans. Love your music Blake!

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Anonymous said...


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He also cured me Hsv-2