Monday, December 07, 2009

Another Song on Hold

"Till Somebody Loves You" has been put on hold by one of the bigger male country artist (who btw is up for a Grammy this year). Can't say who it is, but it's a big enough artist that I'm PUMPED that he might record the song!

The writing thing keeps going pretty well...let's hope this one gets cut. After 2 straight high profile holds and then passes ("love is Strong Enough" & "Wouldn't Change a Thing"), it'd be nice to see this one go all the way! Cross your fingers and pray!


Saadi said...

Wow!!! That would be great!! Best of luck!

Hischild said...

YES!! Never doubted *someone* big would pick it up! Congrats! And I love suspense! Will pray right now for God's best for you, Chris.

Cathy Storms said...

WhooHoo!! I will be praying. I have a really good feeling about this...

Amy's Purple Poodles said...

Chris-This is really awesome news! I hope and pray that it works out for you. I can't wait to hear who the person is if they decide to do the song.

Risa, I'm really sorry to hear about your friend's husband-losing someone at this time of year is especially hard.

Everyone-Don't forget to pray for Carmen and her husband Chris. Tomorrow is his job interview. I'll be praying that everything goes well.


Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Yay! That's exciting!

risalea said...

He passed on "Wouldn't Change a Thing?" How dumb was that?! (Gaylon's reaction: He passed on it? He could have done something with that.)

I hope someone else picks that that one. In the meantime, have high hopes for TSLY!

I am doing a lot of praying tonight, hope my knees hold out! : ) BTW, y'all add Carmen's husband to your list. He's got a big interview tomorrow and I know prayers are appreciated.

risalea said...

OK, here's Gaylon's latest prediction: Billy Currington

Anonymous said...

I just heard Hanson's version of "Wait Here For You", the song you co-wrote with Zac Hanson! Nice song. Did you write any other songs with Hanson?

sam said...

you should go on tour with hanson chris

Cathy Storms said...

Praying for Carmen's Chris today.
I know with all of us praying for him, he will rock this interview..

ChrisSligh said...

Praying for Chris!

Cmon IL company! You need this guy!


Carmen said...

Thanks to everyone for including my Chris in your prayers today. It is so appreciated by my family.

I just heard from him and he told me that the interview went really well. Continue to pray for him as he will be traveling home tomorrow in the terrible winter storm up there.

Thanks again to all of you for your love and support!


Hischild said...

Ah Carmen, that is great to hear! Let us know when he gets home safe and sound.
Hey everybody,

I just listened to all the songs competing against HCG for a Grammy. Since I'm not much of a country fan I was only familiar w/Chicken Fried - Zac Brown. BUT my opinion on one listen: These songs can't hold a candle to HCG!
Were any of them giant hits?? Which one will be hardest to beat out? Sorry to be so country clue-less but to me, this is looking like a no-brainer. :o)

rosalee said...

Clarissa -
It's hard to tell what's going to happen with that Grammy. Last year, Brooks & Dunn, Lady Antebellum, Rascal Flatts and Sugarland were all nominated with songs in the category, Best Country Performance by a Group or Duo with Vocals. Sugarland won. This year at the CMA's, "Chicken Fried" was nominated for Single of the Year and Song of the Year, but didn't win anything. Lady Antebellum won Vocal Group of the Year, and their song, "I Run To You" won Single of the Year at the CMA's.

I guess it depends on what goes into the definition of a musical "performance". Elements to consider are the arrangement, accuracy, the feeling or energy, style, and what is rehearsed vs improvised. Some of it must be subjective, too, as in which act makes for the best entertainment. It's a weird category since you are judging the best performance of different songs.

rosalee said...

Carmen -
I'm glad the interview went well and I hope he gets the job.

Chris -
I have my fingers crossed that your song will be recorded.

Nique's Nana said...

Can't hardly wait to find out who it is!

TimeYUPunishMe said...

Hmmm....It could be George Strait, Keith Urban, Jamey Johnson, Billy Currington or Trace Adkins. :)

DJ in AL said...

Pray and cross fingers-all stuff I can do! Been out of commission with dreadful stomach bug that hit whole fam. Ugh! Trying to crawl back to the surface!

Chris, this is freaking fantabulous
news and I'm so thrilled for you! Keep writing dude, keep writing.

Carmen prayers have been headed your way for weeks now, please keep us posted.

Hope everyone is surviving, er I mean enjoying the holidays!

Cathy Storms said...

DJ~Your back. I was worried about you. The flu is a killer this year.

Carmen~Still praying for your Chris. I still wish he would get a job here in sunny So. California. You know my house is always open if you needed a place to stay for awhile. Oh, could we get in trouble. lol...

DJ in AL said...

Thanks Cathy-actually not the flu but more than likely food poisoning. Pretty severe. Poor hubby and son did have the flu, then got this as a bonus. Yipee.

Carmen said...

Girl so sorry you got the killer vomit bug. Yuch! To me it is worse than the flu!

Yes we could get into so much trouble. But as Mr. Sligh doesn't do too many concerts in CA, it isn't my first choice of places to live. You gotta have your priorities!!! LOL

Actually the place we are looking at is down the road from my other favorite season six AI person-- Gina. I have been wanting to see her perform ever since the AI tour was over but most of her shows are in her hometown. So if my hubby gets this job then it will give me the opportunity to see her again.

Thanks one and all for all your prayers and support. Means a great deal to my family.


Hischild said...

Thanks. That was great info! I feel much better prepared to watch the Grammy's now. :o)

Wondered where you were for so long. Welcome back to the land of the upright. Glad you made it through.

Unknown said...

Carmen~I know Mr. Sligh doesn't do concerts in California. I think we need to change that...

I'll keep your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Happy Friday from a very soggy So. California.

robyn said...

well, been in a bit of some crises my self...fell and creamed my knee a couple days ago and my shoulder a bit...been limpin' around like Chester from Gunsmoke...doc says I'm gonna live though. My daughter put our van in a ditch and we had to bury it. She's fine though, that's what counts. But I owe more on it than the ins. will pay, ouch!
But that's all minor, we do need prayers for my fiance's brother who found out he has cancer behind his liver and will have surgery in January. And his sister who has been layed off since the summer and just admitted to a drinking problem and has been in rehab and sober for 9 days now. His mom fell last week and can't walk but is not strong enough for surgery (and her husband died three weeks ago...his stepdad)

Amy's Purple Poodles said...

vDJ-Glad to hear you're back with the living! We just got the swine flu vaccine for the general public here where I live. We'll be getting our shots in a day or so. The weather has been so bad here, yesterday was the first day we have left the house since last Sat.

Robyn-I'm sorry about all the problems your fiance and his family are having. Sounds like prayers are in order.

Cathy-I know how you feel-Mr. Sligh hasn't had any concerts in CO since the one I went to in Sept. 2008. We need to fix that along with the CA problem!

I'm guessing either Keith Urban or Trace Adkins for the song.


Anonymous said...

Hi Chris--*waves*
I'm pulling for you and RF big time, with this awards thing! It is a wonderful song. Still love it.

As for the new one. I like it a good bit, but it reminds me very strongly of a song that is already out on the radio.:-/ This could prove problematic unless you guys can tweak it up some.

I like the idea of Billy Currington doing this song.:-) He looks like my brother, so I have a soft spot for that guy!

I have been hearing re-makes on the old Christmas classics, and my ear find that delightful. Anybody else liking the new takes on and old standard?

Cathy Storms said...

Happy Birthday to my beautiful grandaughter Rebekah. Hard to believe she is 9 today. Funny, I don't feel any older.

Leah said...


This is awesome news. Hopefully, this song will move past the hold stage and onto the "big hit" one. I have a question for you regarding an artist putting a song on hold. I am assuming that while a song is on hold, the song is not presented to any other artists? So, are you paid anything for the song while it is on hold? It seems unfair if you are not compensated for a lengthy hold time, should the artist decide not to record the song. Just curious.

Sorry, I have not posted in some time. I have been rather busy but I have checked over here from time to time to see how things are going for everyone.

I hope everyone is having a great holiday. Does anyone plan to travel this season? I am planning on heading to Spain to visit the Canary Islands. A nice getaway from the snow and cold here in Boston. Going with some great friends, so should be a lot of fun.

Once again, good luck Chris with the song.


risalea said...

Hey, friends. Back from a quick shopping trip to Branson with my DD. Had a great time, but dang it, still not finished! Our gift list seems to be growing every year, but we are blessed to have additions to our circle of family/friends.

Leah, hey, good to see you back. I'm not Chris, but asked him that very question one time and he said he does not get paid unless a song is picked up. So yeah, allowing a song to be put on hold is risky, as it takes it out of circulation, but the rewards can be great if it gets picked up. (did I word that right, Mr. Sligh?)

Deb, so glad you are better. I know you must have been really sick for it to get you down. Speaking of DD Lindsay, she used to get hysterical when she was in pre-k and k if someone got sick in the room. One time she bolted, and ran way down the hall all the way to the office when someone got sick. Had to call her dad to get her back to class. Ah, the joy of children. And that really had nothing to do with anything...your story just reminded me that story. LOL

Robyn, been praying for you and your family and fiance's family. Bully, I love remakes of old standards and love the old songs, too. I'm just now in the last couple of days feeling the Christmas spirit and have started listening to marathon Christmas song sessions. (must be the shopping! LOL) Carmen, still praying for Chris and waiting to hear that you GOT THE CALL!! Cathy, these kids just keep growing, and as I'm fond of saying, why can't we just put a board on their head and hold 'em in place where they are?! : )Amy, good to talk to you the other night. Rosalee and Clearsa, miss seeing you girls. I know I left out somebody, but hope you are enjoying the holidays with family and friends.

I hear the guys are stranded due to ice up in the northeast. Say a prayer for safe travels for them!

Amy's Purple Poodles said...

Risa-Glad to hear you are finally getting into the Christmas sprit-I guess shopping and listening to Christmas music will do that to you! Still hoping everything works out for your concert.

Leah-It's good to hear from you and that you're planning an awesome trip to Spain for the holidays. I'm just staying here in CO and freezing my butt off!

Carmen, I think of Chris and you everyday, and like everyone else, is awaiting an answer.

I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays.


Anonymous said...

Leah-- that's a good question, about when a song is put on Hold. I would hope it would be a limited-time thing, because otherwise a song could be off on a shelf for indefinitely.

Risa-- you sounded almost breathless in your reply! :-) I can just see you running in from rounds of shopping! heh. I spent an afternoon wrapping presents already bought, getting them together and centrally located. Teddy Bears need just a certain size box, and I think I finally am ready to finish them as well! Christmas just isn't the same without some stuffed animal cheer.

Sending teddybear hugs for everyone!

DJ in AL said...

Risa-welcome back from the land of retail! Know you had fun with DD, that's probably more important than the shopping.

Leah-welcome back, long time no hear from. Spain sounds fab-have a safe and fun trip!

Carmen- still praying for Chris, keep us posted!

Amy-what's up girl? Hope you and poodle are enjoying the holidays!

Robyn-hope things will start looking up soon!

Fro Head, hope you and the boys get shoveled out and back on the road soon!

Happy Monday 11 days 'till Christmas!

gdahimself said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gdahimself said...

I don't like most Christmas songs anymore.
I got burned out on them working retail and having them piped continously everyday from Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Didn't see Chris, who was scheduled to play Wyckoff, which according to Mapquest is 35 minutes away, with the sudden freezing rain, and they closed the roads at every overpass because that's where the car crashes happenned, was almost one of them.

DJ in AL said...


Found you a guitar player when the ones you have now wear out!

Copy and paste into your browser-it's pretty cute. The kid's got stage presence and I think he's about 3.

HstryQT said...

Carmen I'm sorry I'm late to the party on this one, but continued prayers for your family! You know I'd LOVE to have you up here in the midwest with me - we'd have So much fun, don't ya think? Indy is definitely a do-able drive :).

My heart melted a little when I saw that George Strait was on the list of contenders for taking Chris' song (ie: the ones up for a Grammy this year). DREAM BIG people :).

I've finished up a pretty epic graduate school semester and I'm now settling in for a much needed travel-FREE Christmas. But I sort of don't know what to do with myself now that I'm not insanely busy. Nice to be back :)

Merry Christmas to all!


DJ in AL said...


Welcome back! Know you're looking forward to a much needed break from your studies. And no traveling, that's unusual for you isn't it?

Enjoy your holidays!

risalea said...

Lori, enjoy this time with your family before another school semester gets going. When I was going to grad school I was teaching full-time and juggling two children and a husband, so I know how much work that can be. I'm glad you are at home this year. Many years ago we decided Christmas morning would be spent at the house, and any going would have to be done before or afterwards, so our kids would have the magic of Santa coming down their chimney (and so Santa didn't have to haul Christmas toys around the world! LOL) Also, Santa doesn't wrap the toys he brings (at least at our house), so that was problematic!

Have found my best present for Gaylon...a gift wrapper! He is our wrapper, and he is painstakingly good but painstakingly slow. He helped us at our Wine and Wrap event we did for Heaven's Loft and wrapped 3 gifts in 2 1/2 hours. And he wasn't even partaking in the wine! LOL Lindsay's friend, Tiffany, who started a wrapping business, came and helped us and she did such a great job and was so fast, I thought it would be great to give him a break. I am a terrible wrapper, probably because it requires patience and neatness, which I have none of. I am all about the gift bag.

Chris, glad y'all got home safely. Did you ever get to see Rockefeller Center before you left? NYC at Christmas, that is on my bucket list. Anybody want to go with me? I know for certain sure it's not on Gaylon's, so it will have to be a girl trip sometime.

Enough rambling, I have a review to finish and a house to clean as sister Cindy and her crew are coming on Friday! Y'all have a great day!

Cathy Storms said...

Lori~Welcome back.

Risa~A blogger girl trip to NYC for Christmas would be awesome. I know my hubby would hate it also but I would love it. Throw in a Chris concert and it would be so much fun.

DJ in AL said...

I'm in for the NY trip, it's also on my bucket list!

HstryQT said...

Hello ladies :)

Yes, not traveling is unusual for us. We just went back to VA in November (for my work) and Teddy was horrendous. 10 hours in a car with a toddler just ain't happenin'! Plus he wasn't a happy camper the entire time we were away (not just in the car).

We chose the path that would lead us to the least amount of stress possible - staying home. Much family is disappointed (as we originally were planning to come) but thankfully they understand.

Risa we do the same thing with our Christmas. I'm glad I thought to make the "rule" that we'd ALWAYS be at our house for Christmas, no matter what. That's very important to us.

Men are so hard to buy for - so congrats on your hubby's gift :).

risalea said...

Maybe we could recruit Harry and Rosalee to be tour guides and even lure GDA across the state line for dinner one night. Heck, we might even go to NJ. ; ) Something to think about for next year? I am ready to start crossing some items off my list! : )

Chris, I know what y'all were thinking about for Christmas awhile back. Any big plans that you can share?

Anonymous said...

George Strait? Yummy.
I can freely admit here, that I have an obsession for the movie he did called "Pure Country." Oddly enough, there are more like me out there! LOL. Let me just say that George + horseriding= verygood.

It would be awesome if he got a hold of one of Chris's songs. Yes indeedy.

risalea said...

"Pure Country" husband made me sit through that....once. That's all I could take it. Love his singing, but his acting...well, that's another thing. I will give you that he looked good in his jeans in that movie! LOL He's coming to LR next March with Reba. Now THAT will be a show!

Gaylon doesn't think Chris's song went to George (he fancies himself as an expert, no one tell him he's not and blow his fantasy, LOL)...I guess time will tell!

rosalee said...

We would be happy to show you guys around NYC. Anytime!

Amy's Purple Poodles said...

Hey Everyone,
NYC-That could be SO much fun!

I'm glad to hear you got home safe,Chris. The weather was pretty nasty for a while.

Risa, I'm glad you found the perfect gift for Gaylon. I just blame my bad gift wrapping on Jackpot (my poodle). If a present looks bad after I wrap it, I just jokingly tell everyone, "Jackpot did it!" If I'm really desperate, I'll ask my mom to wrap something for me.

Lori, I know what its like to travel with a two year old-just HORRIBLE!! My sister and nephew went with us to El Paso and I was glad I could turn off my hearing aids so I wouldn't have to listen to his screaming and yelling.

Ever since my niece was born, we have gone to my sister's house both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We take all our presents over to her house so we can all open gifts together. My mom and I both have trees up, but nothing is under them.


Terrie said...

Great news, Chris!

Have you been watching the wonderful Ben Folds guest judging on The Sing Off? It's an interesting show and he is definitely the highlight.

Carmen said...

Hey All!
Just wanted to update everyone on the status of what has been happening with my husband, Chris.
He was offered the job he interviewed for in Illinois. It is a great job and he is super excited about it.
I just want to thank all of you here on the blog who prayed for him. Your prayers and support meant so much to my family and myself. Heavenly Father heard all of your many prayers. God is good!

rosalee said...

Carmen -
Congratulations to Chris! I'm so happy for you!

Is anyone watching the Sing-Off? It's an entertaining show, but I've only been watching it on and off. Harry is rooting for Nota. I like the Beelzebubs. They're all very good acappella groups.

Cathy Storms said...

Carmen~I am so excited for you and your family. WhooHoo!! Never under estimate the power of prayer. I bet Chris is over the moon.

I've also been watching "The Sing Off". Love it. Yes, Ben Folds has been the highlite.

Anonymous said...

Risa- Really? I actually have a harder time dealing with the actress who plays his mgr in that movie. She has this mouth that is just like a crass sort of termite or something, I don't know...bleh. I ffwd thru her parts, now! heh! I just don't like her at all.

Dusty, from where he hitches a ride with the trucker and sees his Grandma? LOVE that. I want to be her, someday. ;-) The actress who plays his love-interest, she really must ride, because I saw her in another made-for-kids horse movie recently. I was gratified to see she had gained some baby-weight.(Yes, that is petty.)

The scene where he has breakfast with her family? That is one of my Top Five favorite movies scenes EVER. Good stuff!
"What's he doing ON A HORSE??" she says exasperatedly, yet noticing how well he rides, natch.
"Well, he BOUGHT IT!" the brother laughs. *loves this!*

Okay, I'm done. Back to our regularly scheduled Chris Sligh post, already in-progress!

DJ in AL said...


Doing the happy dance around my office! So happy and thrilled for ya'll! I am always so amazed by your attitude when faced with challenges like these. Your faith is unwaivering. And not the 1st complaint about moving to a place where you will not be able to wear flip flops year round:)

God is so good!

Hischild said...

OH Carmen!!! SO glad to read your good news!!! Congrats to Chris. I hope it turns out to be everything you're all hoping for. What area will you be living in?

Sing Off: I recorded and watched the last two nights. Was happy to see Ben Folds too. A capella groups amaze me. Beelzebubs are my favorite though Voices of Lee and Nota are great too. Looks like they've weeded em down to the correct ones.

GDA: So sorry you couldn't get out to see Chris. Stupid weather! And I can understand your aversion to Christmas music. After just 45 min in the groc store yesterday I was ready to SCREAM w/all the irritating stuff they were piping in. I like Christmas music from about Nov 30 to Dec 10th and that's about it.

Anonymous said...

Hello Chris & All,

Happiest of Holidays to Rosalee and family, and Merry Christmas to all.
It's been crazy busy in a good way in my life, so have become a blog lurker, where I suddenly have a moment, miss the friendship and beauty of this group and speed read to catch up.
Good luck with this song,Chris. Happy belated birthdays(& other significant events )to all that I've missed,congrats to Carmen's Chris,and as I know I won't get back here soon... May 2010 be an abundant & magical year ! Shalom

risalea said...

Carmen, have been rejoicing with you since I heard the news. I had no doubt that an offer would come to your talented husband. (of course, behind every talented husband is his fabulous wife!) God is good, all the time.

And as a bit of lagniappe, add Chicago to the bucket list of Blogger girl trips to come!

This has been a busy, but a great week. Got to talk with a good friend from across the pond and catch up. Finished my last review and technical assistance for this semester, and made my phone calls to give windows for next semester reviews and am free and clear for the next two weeks. Sister Cindy and BIL Eric and niece and nephew Madeline and Thomas (from the picnic) are heading here tomorrow. We will have Christmas with them while they're here-they'll be heading out on Wed. so Santa can come down their chimney in Ohio.

Shalom, welcome back...good to hear from you!

I have been watching the Sing Off. LOVE Ben Folds, he's my favorite part. You know I'm an old acapella girl here, so have been really enjoying these groups.

Bully, you're not going to convince me on that movie. LOL His manager in that, Leslie Anne Warren, was in my favorite show of all time that ever came on TV, "Cinderella" when she was very young, and I was I think 7 when I saw it the first time. I just try to remember her like that. : )

Christmas looks to be wonderful, and I'm ready to enjoy some time with family and friends. Only thing that would make it perfect would be to have all of my blogger buddies, here, too.

risalea said...

p.s. Rosalee, get ready. Girls are whipping out their calendars as we speak. : )

rosalee said...

Happy Holidays to you, too, Shalom.

If you guys come to NY, we definitely have to get GDA involved.

Amy's Purple Poodles said...

Carmen,CONGRATULATIONS to Chris and you! It was so good getting to talk to you on the phone and get to congratulate Chris over the phone before running off to watch Survivor. Your positive attitude is so awesome. You are a true testiment to the power of faith and prayer!

I have been watching "The Sing-Off" and like Nota. The other groups are really good, too. I didn't know who Ben Folds was until I watched the show. Excited to see both "Survivor" and "The Sing-Off" finales.

Shalom, glad to see you back on the blog.

Carmen, I think Chris and you got the best Christmas present one can get,not one wrapped in holiday paper, but a true blessing from God. It is truly a very Merry Christmas!

I guess we'll have to add Chicago to our blogger girl trip list. Woo-Hoo! What fun we could have-and what trouble we could get into. I better start saving up for bail money!


Anonymous said...

Hey risa-- I watched that movie again last night, and I totally blame you. ;-)
Lesley Anne Warren, I know she supposedly holds some sort of "hotness" thing for men. I am far more easily charmed by a lower key appeal. It's hard for me to picture her as Cinderella! (I do remember her from her part in Victor/Victoria. Considered a big name even then.)

Carmen- I wish I could be happier for you, moving to IL. It may be a bit of an expensive culture-shock. Taxes are ridiculous, and jobs are very scarce. It's ironic to me, that they had to find a job applicant out of state to fill a position someone locally could. The Unemployment Rate is crazy. He should check into how long his predecessors lasted, before uprooting his family.

I come from northern IL myself, and there IS lots to love about it. The food is great, and the stores are plentiful. They have several music venues, where big names come to. Rockford is a really nice, rather smallish one. The Horizon is a big venue in an urban setting, but they get ALL the big acts there. I've been there many times, and while the acts may change, the experience is always the same. heh.

It is expensive there in IL, but if this new job promises stability, it could be a nice thing for you. Boxes of cereal are like 5 and 7dollars a-piece tho, so be forewarned! WHOOO!

DJ in AL said...

Shalom-good to hear from you!! I hope you'll find more time in the new year to drop by-stay well! We've missed you!

Bully's comments about IL intrigued me (and worried me) so I did a little net research. I started with the cereal issue and found a Krogers in the town you are planning to move to Carmen and in this week's ad cereal was actually on sale for $2.69 a box, which incidentally is cheaper than here in AL. So don't go stocking up on Cheerios, there doesn't appear to be a need, LOL. The rest of the ad didn't seem to be out of line with the norm.

I dug a little more to see what else I would find about COL and found an awesome calculator on line where you can compare cost of living where you presently live and where you are planning to move to and found the following:

If you move from Jacksonville, FL to Peoria, IL

Groceries will cost: 2%more
Housing will cost: 7%more
Utilities will cost: 27%more
Transportation will cost: 1%less
Healthcare will cost: 2%less

So utilities seem to be the only issue of any concern. I found a couple of other sites that seem to confirm the above as well so I feel much better. Things must have changed quite a bit since Bully was there so that's a good thing.

Additionally just as an FYI, the house you sent me a link to would easily list in AL for at least 3 times what it is listed for in IL and BTW I adore it and insist you buy it:)

I'm so happy for Chris, considering the prestent job market, not only did he secure a job, he secured an amazing job! I think IL is going to be another grand adventure for the Metcalfes!

Ok, so Christmas is almost here and I'm mostly ready. The next week is the best/fun part, spending time with friends and fam, eating and making merry!

Happy Friday before Christmas to the Fro Patro!

HstryQT said...

Great news Carmen!

Carmen said...

I also used that calculator you found. While taxes are higher in Il compared to Florida (we have no state income tax) the rest was pretty much the same. I think the big difference in energy was because we don't really have to heat our homes here in Florida in the winter. I think I might turn on the heat maybe twice a year!

My husband is taking a job in a small rural community about 80 miles south of Chicago called Ottawa. I checked and made sure they had a Super Wal-mart. Wal-mart is great about keeping groceris cheap. No Publix which is my favorite store for shopping but hey can't have everything. The small town of Ottawa seems to be doing well. A lot of new industry is coming in. My husband's competition for the job were from Chicago but I think he got the job because he has a pretty impressive resume when it comes to designing chemical plants. (he is a senior process/ project chemical engineer with over 20 years of experience) He will be starting up a chemical plant that will produce Titanium from Sodium. The company holds the patent on this process and they have been able to do it in the lab but this will be the first plant ever in the world to produce titanium with this new process. It is going to revoluntionize the industry and virtually make titanium extremely cheap. Like $5.00 a pound. The company has already contracted out all of their product for the next 5 years. The government being the biggest buyer, but they have sold to other industries like medical equipment manufactures and the auto industry. I think that as long as my husband does a good job getting this plant going (he is a brillant engineer so I have no doubt) his job is going to be pretty secure.

There are down sides to moving. The biggest one for me is not being able to wear flip flops year round. One of the best things about the Florida lifestyle IMO. It is extremely laid back here.

The plus to moving is I am looking forward to the Kristkindlmarket in Chicago. I have found out that Chicago's sister city is with Nuremburg Germany (where I grew up as a kid) and so the Kristkindlmarket in Chicago is the largest one outside of Germany. So trading a trading flip flops for that seems pretty good. Plus I will be closer to Nashville and most of the blogger girls now. So lots of pluses!
And Dj I love that house too. I am hoping nothing major is wrong and I can afford to get it. It is so cool!!


Cathy Storms said...

Carmen~somehow or another, I still picture you wearing flip-flops all year. What a wonderful adventure you are going to start. If anyone can do it, it is your family. And if you get that house you know the blogger girls will have to come and check it out.
Road trip...WhooHoo

Anonymous said...

Hey Carmen-- Firstly, I was glad to hear that the Job and the Area you were moving to was what it was. Those are good things. Ottawa is def downstate, and will help alot. The Job Type is good too, and should make him not-expendible. It does make me relieved, for you.

I know I am a direct personality, but in some things I really believe direct is best.:-) Thanks for not taking it badly. In northern IL, the costs of food and taxes were very high. Maybe it had to do with being in the 40-60mile radius of Chicago, IDK. I've lived in Cook, Lake, and McHenry...and even in a county far west, that was predominantly a cow-town, things were quite high. We pay like $450 in real estate taxes here in KY right now, whereas last in IL it was almost 5K. A $700 a month mortgage is still doable, here. In IL, we were looking at $1,500mo as a minimum. I remember as a young mother how THRILLED I was to see the cost of cereal still $3 a box or less! LOL. I still have a cut-off of under $4, if it's a special kind! Paying $5 a box seemed crazy, and still does.

A note for Chris-- I really, really like "Wouldn't Change a Thing". That song has a big-name sound to it, and makes me anxious to hear more from you. I hope that feeling is contagious, among the people that *really* matter.

rosalee said...

We just got finished digging out from over a foot of snow. Harry's snowblower helped us and several neighbors get through it. It's actually a good time because everyone is outside and we get to catch up on things. However, I hope it's a while before we have another storm like this one!

Bully -
Even Illinois sounds like a bargain for real estate taxes compared to NY. We pay more than double your IL figure.

risalea said...

Dang, Rosalee, you and Harry need to think about retiring down South between the snow and the taxes! : ) Y'all need to have a potluck when you and all your neighbors have to get together to get rid of the snow. You could bring the Rotel dip! LOL

Carmen said...

Taxes are high in IL there is no doubt about that. I pay a little over 2,000 here in Florida and taxes on a comparable home in the Ottawa area are around 6,000 to 8,000. Very high to me too. Also you take into account that Florida does not have state income tax and that makes a big difference. My husband was actually able to negotiate a higher salry based on those facts. Your taxes are what I paid when I lived in Tennessee. How I miss those days! LOL But as I told my husband, a job in IL is better than no job in Florida. Right now we are close 12% unemployment here in Jacksonville area.

I appreciate your concerns and no offense was taken. Just wanted you to know we did our homework before deciding to take the offer. I have decided we are going to retire in Florida though or at least half way between IL and Florida in Tennessee. I don't think I want to live in IL forever but who knows.

Hischild said...

I don't envy your move. Cross country in the dead of winter. UGH! Can't imagine. I've only ever moved across town in good Phx weather.

I'd like to know the name of the new employer. Sounds like my husband would want to buy some stock!

BIG moving blessings to you guys!

risalea said...

Santa just told me that our own Clearsa is going to be singing at the Christmas service on and you can catch it on Wednesday, the 23rd at 5 or 7 pm MST, or at 4 or 6 PM, Thursday, the 24th. And another member of her church that you might know will be appearing as well.

I'm wrapping husband gifts. (that's MK that husbands buy for their wives). I found the cutest sleds this year I'm using for the packaging. Gaylon is making Christmas cookies with my niece and nephew. And I've still got a couple of gifts to get. ARGH!

Chris Sligh, put me down for a bunch next year...I'm just gonna' give those for Christmas and make my life easier! ; )

risalea said...

That's a bunch of CD's. My fingers are typing faster than my brain can keep up!LOL

DJ in AL said...

Clearsa-how wonderful! I seem to recall your pretty voice in Nashville last year! Have fun!

Risa, LOL, I was scratching my head thinking, put you down for a "bunch" of what. Thanks for clearing that up:)

Hope you're having fun with the fam!

4 shopping days left till Christmas Fro Friends! You too Fro Head!
or is that Head Fro?

Amy's Purple Poodles said...

RIsa, sounds like you're having having a merry old time getting ready for Christmas! Cookies sound good.

Clearsa, congrats on getting to sing at the Christmas services. I wish I could have been there in Nashville the first picnic to hear you sing.

Risa, I wondered what "a bunch" meant, but since you mentioned Chris Sligh I figured it had to be CDs.

Hope the Fro Head or Head Fro (I love that DJ) is enjoying the holidays!


Cathy Storms said...

Clearsa~That's awesome that your singing. We want video.

Happy Tuesday y'all from a very wet and windy San Diego.

Hischild said...

Boy, I REALLY shouldn't be on here right now. Today is my ONLY day to finish shopping and errands and wrapping etc. etc. BUT, of course, here is sit - addicted.

Thanks you guys but don't get the idea I'm singing solo or duet or even small ensemble this year. Just an alto voice in the choir. But it'll be fun. We're doing the Hallelujah chorus rock style. I love it. And excited about seeing you know-who-again! Tune in if you can. I'm ducking out for the 6PM service to get family dinner going.

Amy, I agree, DJ made me laugh too. Good play on words, lady.

Happy crunch day to you all!

Hischild said...

Oh, Risa. Thanks so much for your tweet about Ben Folds last night! I was away at Movie Night and had forgotten to set DVR. I texted my daughter at home and she recorded for me. Glad for the one hour time difference so I didn't miss a thing. Going off to watch it now while I wrap.

Amy's Purple Poodles said...

The "Sing-Off" finale was really good. I had a feeling Nota was going to win from the time the first show came on. The other groups we SO good, too. I wonder when Nota (or the other two groups) might put out a CD. Hearing Ben Folds was pretty cool because I had never heard of him until this show.


Cathy Storms said...

Clearsa~So who is going to be at the church singing with you?

rosalee said...

Chris and Aaron Shust tweeted about being on a new holiday CD by various artists:

Chris, which Christmas song of yours was contributed?

This CD may be hard to come by, since it is already sold out online.

risalea said...

Thank you, Rosalee, I was wondering where this might be available. Will check Mardel's and Lifeway, too.


Hischild said...

I'm home between services now. Gotta rush off for #2 real soon.
But Jordin was supposed to sing. From our rehearsal Tues night it sounded like she was if-fy for the 24th. They were ready w/a substitute if need be. And turns out she wasn't there tonight. SO...I can only wonder about our next service and tomorrow. Time will tell.

Cathy Storms said...

Clearesa~I hope she comes to sing with you. That would be so cool.

risalea said...

I didn't see Jordin, but I saw Clearsa. Good job, friend!

Tomorrow is going to be crazy with last minute things to do, but I want to wish all of you a wonderful and blessed Christmas and a happy 2010. Little did I know in March 2006 that an innocent little google search would change my daily routine and add a bunch of wonderful folks to my circle of friends, including a guy named Chris Sligh. Sometimes life is just full of neat surprises.

Love y'all! Risa

Anonymous said...

((hugs Carmen))

Merry Christmas to all my blogger friends here in the Sligh territories! You continue to be a blessing to so many, and I'm sure, a comfort to Chris in a hard-knock world. God bless you all, in the year ahead.

I am way behind on all my pre-party duties, but what the heck, you know? I've decided to just try and enjoy it all this year. :-) It's here at last, and I just feel good about that!

Sending love and Christmas cookie thoughts to you, Chris.

Cathy Storms said...

Merry Christmas Eve to all.

Risa, your so right. Who would have thought that one little goggle search would bring so many blessings. But it did and I am so grateful.

Chris,hope you and Sarah have a wonderful Christmas.

Amy's Purple Poodles said...

Like Risa said, you never know what little things are going to come along and change your life. How could I have ever known that buying the book Chicken Soup for the American Idol Soul would change my life forever (Chris has an essay in the book and it also has info about his website). Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah to all my Fro friends, and espcially to the Fro Head himself! Chris, may Sarah and you have an awesome Christmas together!

Love and miss ya all!

Hischild said...

Just wanting to wish all my friends here a very Merry Christmas! I am thankful to Chris for providing us this way to get to know him and each other.
What a huge addition it has been to my life.
You guys (and girls) are a ginormous blessing.
Peace to you all.

Carmen said...

Merry Christmas to the all blogger girls and members of the Fro Patro.

Hope You & Sarah are enjoying this special day together with friends and family. Thanks for doing this blog and bringing all of us together!


DJ in AL said...

Hey Fro Friends! Hope this finds all of my fro friends and the Head Fro and Sarah well and happy post Christmas! The Jones family had a super Christmas with family and friends and are satisfied with their Santa loot!

Like my Blogger Girls I am so sincerely grateful for the day I googled Chris Sligh, for as they say, the rest is history!!And a fine and crazy adventure.filled history it has been.

Forgive any typos, trying to learn how to use my new Christmas present. My hubby decided if I was gonna stay online chatting with my Blogger Girls and misc. friends he'd rather me do it mobile so I can keep him company. Love that man!

Off to grab a pizza and discuss our most wonderful holiday season.

Sending Chris and Sarah and his Momma dearest across the pond, and my dear Fro Friends and Blogger Girls love straight from my over-flowing heart!


HstryQT said...

You all are probably way ahead of me on this, but since it seems that the Christmas various artists cd is hard to come by - here's a blog that mentions it. It's called When Love Was Born. /2009/12/christmas-music-2009.html

belated Merry Christmas to all :)


TimeYUPunishMe said...

Just found out Terry Fator is your second cousin. You guys are so talented. Amazing talents!

Amy's Purple Poodles said...

Hope everyone had a great Christmas or Hannukah and are enjoying your "Santa loot". It's hard to believe that in less than a week it will be a new year.

Chris-I hope Santa was good to you and Sarah and that you had an awesome day with friends and family.


Amy's Purple Poodles said...

Today I found out that a member of the ski group I belong to passed away after falling through a hole where ice had cracked while ice fishing. He must have been alone because he was found dead a day later after crawling out of the hole-he froze to death. He was a local optomitrist who once guided blind and visually impaired skiers, his private optomitry practice was one of our sponsors, and he was an advocate for people with visual impairment and blindness in the community in which I live. His name was Tony Ikehara. He left behind a wife, Christine, and children. Please keep his wife and family in your prayers. This is a sad way to end 2009.


Cathy Storms said...

Amy, I'm so sorry. I will keep you and his family in my prayer list.

I agree, 2009 ended pretty bad. My mom had to be put in the hospital on Christmas morning with back pain. Turns out the bones in her lower back are totally gone and now she is in a nursing facility for the duration. There is nothing they can do for her and she will be in a wheel chair for the rest of her life and she can't stay alone. It's a very hard time for my family and for my mom. She's lived with me forever so it's taking some getting used to. I know in my heart we have made the right decision but it is still one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make.

Carmen, safe journeys for you and Chris today...

Hischild said...

Amy, So sorry to hear about your friend. Sounds like he was a great guy who can leave a legacy for others to follow. I will pray for his family and the others who loved him.

Cathy, Sounds like you absolutely DID do the right thing for your mom. She needs professional help w/the kind of pain she is in. Visit her often and let her know you love her at every opportunity. I will pray for you all. (*hugs*) to you, Sweetie.

rosalee said...

Amy -
I'm sorry for the loss of your friend.

Cathy -
Harry's mom is in a nursing home. She voluntarily committed herself there last year because she couldn't take care of herself anymore at home, even with an aide. She likes the food and is content. We are also more at ease knowing that when she falls or gets sick, she will be taken care of and hospitalized, if needed. We visit regularly. You made the right decision, because professionals are probably needed for her at this time.

HstryQT said...

Amy I'm very sorry to hear about your loss (& your community's). All will be in my prayers.

I stopped by my local Family Christian Store today and they had a stack of the various artist Christmas album, "When Love Was Born" for half off! The song of Chris' that is included is "When You Come Home Again" and it's the 5th of 15 tracks.

They had a stack left. If anyone is having trouble finding it and would like it for their Sligh cd collection, let me know and I can try to go pick a few up and ship them off. (They're no longer available online).


risalea said...

Amy, I'm so sorry to hear the loss of such a fine man. Cathy, you definitely are doing right by your mom. She needs to be where people are trained to take care of her health problems.

I have a prayer request. The 24 year old daughter of some dear family friends has been diagnosed with leukemia, and is starting chemotherapy tomorrow. She is such a lovely and smart young semester away from graduating from physical therapy school. She faces 3-4 straight weeks of chemo treatment to begin with. I believe in the power of prayer and am asking y'all to include her on your prayer list. Thank you in advance.

Chris, safe travels back from San Diego, if you're not already home.


Anonymous said...

Dear Amy-- It was a tragic accident, losing your friend that way. The world sounds like it lost a good and caring soul. Maybe God has a plan for him, on the other side.

Cathy-- I'm sorry to hear about your mother, but it sounds like she is very lucky to have found a good nursing home, and to have a daughter like you. I don't think she could want more, than that.:-)

As for Risa's 24 yr old friend... gosh. I hope that this is something that she is able to beat, and that it will add to her a measure of grace and compassion she can then share with her therapy-patients, someday. There has to be a happy ending in this, somewhere. She will be in my thoughts.

Chris--I heard HCG on the radio last night, and it sounds as good as the first time I heard it, to my ears. It's still, really beautiful. I hope it gets the acknowledgement it deserves, at the awards shows this spring.

Cathy Storms said...

Thank you everyone for your kind words about my mom. It means more to me than I could ever say.

Chris~I hope you enjoyed your time in San Diego. The weather was perfect. But it's San Diego..the weather is always perfect. lol..
Sorry I didn't get to see you but I know you were busy and I was also very busy with my mom. Maybe next time.

DJ in AL said...


Wanted to add my sympathies for your friend. So sorry.


Ditto what everyone has said, you had no choice and she is in good hands.

Here's hoping 2020 will be a bright new year for all!

Sending you love from a chilly DJ in the mtns of TN!

DJ in AL said...


Wanted to add my sympathies for your friend. So sorry.


Ditto what everyone has said, you had no choice and she is in good hands.

Here's hoping 2020 will be a bright new year for all!

Sending you love from a chilly DJ in the mtns of TN!

risalea said...

Hope everyone has a wonderful New Year's Eve(not too blogging from jail, please! LOL) and a fantastic 2010!

Cathy Storms said...

Happy New Year's eve to y'all.
Enjoy it and be safe.

Raising my glass of champagne to a better year in 2010. Toasting to health, and lots of blessings for all my family and friends (especially to my blogger girls and family) in the year to come.

rosalee said...

Happy New Year's Eve to all!
2009 should go out dancing:

(Didn't we need a little nostalgia? LOL)

gdahimself said...


I hope all the years between here and 2020 are good years as well.

DJ in AL said...

LOL, GDA, getting a decade ahead of myself aren't I???
Happy New Year to all my dear Blogger Girls and Fro Friends and to the dude who brought all together, Chris and his family!

May 2010 be our best year ever!

Sending you love from a Fogged-in DJ in the TN mountains.

Cathy Storms said...

Happy New Years Day to my blogger girls and family.

Football overload today and my famous Prime Rib chili..yum

Oh, and go Ducks...

Amy's Purple Poodles said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR! to everyone
DJ-Since you've been to the future, how are the next ten years going to turn out for us all? (Ha, Ha, just kidding) I also hear Alabama is playing UT Austin in a Bowl game-Go Longhorns! (sorry-I'm a native Texan-I had to do it!)

Cathy-I'm sorry to hear about your mother's injury. You made the decision that was best for your family and your mom. It's good that you go visit often. I'm sorry you didn't get to see Chris.

Risa-Sorry to hear about the 24-year old daughter of your dear friend. I will keep her family and her in my prayers.

Thanks to everyone for the kind words for Tony and his wife Christine and her family. There will be a short memorial and Celebration of Life on Sunday afternoon. Tony's ashes will be taken back to his native Hawaii.

I wish everyone the best for 2010!

risalea said...

Hey, guys, in case anyone feels inclined, our friend Lauren's webpage is She loves reading messages of encouragement. I follow Sherri Shepherd from the View on twitter, and sent her a tweet asking her to post and she did! Very kind of her, and the family was tickled. (and thanks Emily and Deb!)

Hope your first day of 2010 was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

Anonymous said...

Apparently this, the first day of the New Year, is a big football day. Who knew?? heh. At work the past few days, we have had a steady stream of Cincinnati peoples coming thru, and it was only the second day of it that I asked anything about it. The guy I asked seemed bemused about my not-knowing who the team was, etc.

I mentioned it to Spouse who laughed and said, if they were going to NewOrleans, then they were a part of the SugarBowl today! So, yeah. There are all sorts of realities out there for folks to find!:-)

Risa-- I caught the re-run of the Sligh-blogpost-discussion on The View the other day. I have always liked that Sherri Shepherd, and hearing Mariah Carey talking about fame and stuff after the segment, I thought it boostered some of the things Chris mentioned. I was glad I caught that show.

Anonymous said...


My boyfriend broke up with me few months ago and left me heartbroken, I so much wanted him back by all means, I had to find a way to win him back, fortunately I came across a relationship doctor who revived my relationship, my boyfriend came back to me and promised to love me forever.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

He also cured me Hsv-2